
Models of artificial swarms.

Primary LanguagePython


Models of artificial swarms.

Data generation

python obstacle_avoidance_sim.py --boids B --vicseks V --obstacles OBST --steps N_STEPS --save-dir /path/to/save/location/

B: No. of Boids
V: No. of Vicseks
OBST: No. of obstacles
N_STEPS: No. of steps for which data is generated

Files Generated

*_edge.npy: Edge type data
*_time.npy: Time steps(dt)
*_timeseries.npy: N_STEPS x N x D tensor

N: Goal + No. of obstacles + No. of Boids + No. of Vicseks
D: State vector in form of (position, velocity)

Edge types

Edge types of the directed graph represent the influences between elements of the system.

|    |Goal|Obst|Boid|Visc|  
|Goal| 0  | 0  | 1  | 5  |  
|Obst| 0  | 0  | 2  | 6  |  
|Boid| 0  | 0  | 3  | 7  |  
|Visc| 0  | 0  | 4  | 8  |  


A simple implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boids model.

2D Flocking w/ Goal and Obstacle 2D Flocking w/ Goal and Obstacle2


An implementation of Helbing - Farkas - Vicsek model.

2D Flocking w/ Goal and Obstacle