Microsatellite Loci BED File

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Hello. I have a human tumor bam and normal bam files. I would like to perform MSI test.
I am new to this and I am not sure how to go about making Microsatellite Loci BED File.
Could anyone kindly let me know how I can make one or share with me?

You can create a BED file with RepeatFinder (provided with MANTIS) and bedtools. To run RepeatFinder:
./RepeatFinder -i /path/to/genome.fasta -o /path/to/all_loci.bed

This will identify putative microsatellite loci throughout the provided genome. Next, this will need to be filtered by your sequencing target region:
bedtools intersect -a /path/to/all_loci.bed -b /path/to/target.bed -wa > /path/to/loci_in_targed.bed

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you so much. I was able to make the loci_in_targed.bed.
Now I will try to run the MANTIS.

I am also new to this. Where can I find the genome.fasta files for grch38 and all_loci.bed file?

Hello @audyavar, you can obtain the hg38 FASTA file here: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.gz

The all_loci.bed file is generated from this by RepeatFinder (included with MANTIS).

Hi @audyavar,

MANTIS (and RepeatFinder) are only officially supported on Linux, but you may be able to compile it on a Mac with these commands.

g++ -c main.cpp -o main.o
g++ -c circularLinkedList.cpp -o circularLinkedList.o
g++ main.o circularLinkedList.o -o RepeatFinder

I tried to create bed file as mentioned in MANTIS manual. But I couldnt find Repeatfinder tool in the MANTIS. Can u suggest me for creating bed file? Thanks in advance.

Hi @YuvaraniThambidurai,

The RepeatFinder source is included in the MANTIS distribution. To compile it on Linux, simply run make in the tools directory.