What is this?

This repository holds alternative documentation (docstrings) for Clojure’s core library.

The docs are meant to be used in 2 ways:

  1. Presented by IDE to inform the programmer what a function does

  2. Exported to html for better presentation & searchability

How do I use it?

See sidedocs-nrepl. It can be used inject these alternative docstrings into cider docstring requests.

Documentation format

As much as it makes sense, the documentation tries to stick to the following format:

Short 1 line summary of what a function does with as few jargons as possible.

Important supplementary info goes here. Longer treatments on what the function
does should go in the `Description` section. The 1 line summary, `Parameters`,
and `Return values` sections should be kept close together visually and towards
the top.

== Parameters
list of parameters and their expected types

== Return value
list of return values and their expected types

== Examples
Short, idiomatic clojure example that shows the expected usage pattern.

== Description
Any lengthy description of the function goes here.

== Exceptions
List of possible exceptions that might be thrown and when they will be thrown.

== See Also
Links to related functions.
We might want to add some additional preprocessing to automatically create links here.

== Further Reading
Links to other official & unofficial documentation