
The idea of the camera course is to build a collision detection system. You will now build the feature tracking part and test various detector / descriptor combinations to see which ones perform best.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

SFND 2D Feature Tracking

The idea of the camera course is to build a collision detection system - that's the overall goal for the Final Project. As a preparation for this, you will now build the feature tracking part and test various detector / descriptor combinations to see which ones perform best. This mid-term project consists of four parts:

  • First, you will focus on loading images, setting up data structures and putting everything into a ring buffer to optimize memory load.
  • Then, you will integrate several keypoint detectors such as HARRIS, FAST, BRISK and SIFT and compare them with regard to number of keypoints and speed.
  • In the next part, you will then focus on descriptor extraction and matching using brute force and also the FLANN approach we discussed in the previous lesson.
  • In the last part, once the code framework is complete, you will test the various algorithms in different combinations and compare them with regard to some performance measures.

See the classroom instruction and code comments for more details on each of these parts. Once you are finished with this project, the keypoint matching part will be set up and you can proceed to the next lesson, where the focus is on integrating Lidar points and on object detection using deep-learning.

Dependencies for Running Locally

Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./2D_feature_tracking.


  • MP.0 Mid-Term Report
  • MP.1 Data Buffer Optimization
  • MP.2 Keypoint Detection
  • MP.3 Keypoint Removal
  • MP.4 Keypoint Descriptors
  • MP.5 Descriptor Matching
  • MP.6 Descriptor Distance Ratio
  • MP.7 Performance Evaluation 1
  • MP.8 Performance Evaluation 2
  • MP.9 Performance Evaluation 3


MP.0 Mid-Term Report

Provide a Writeup / README that includes all the rubric points and how you addressed each one. You can submit your writeup as markdown or pdf.

MP.1 Data Buffer Optimization

Implement a vector for dataBuffer objects whose size does not exceed a limit (e.g. 2 elements). This can be achieved by pushing in new elements on one end and removing elements on the other end.

DataFrame frame;
frame.cameraImg = imgGray;
if (dataBuffer.size() == dataBufferSize)

MP.2 Keypoint Detection

Implement detectors HARRIS, FAST, BRISK, ORB, AKAZE, and SIFT and make them selectable by setting a string accordingly.

double t = (double) cv::getTickCount();

if (detectorType.compare("SHITOMASI") == 0) {
    detKeypointsShiTomasi(keypoints, imgGray, bVis);
else if (detectorType.compare("HARRIS") == 0) {
    detKeypointsHarris(keypoints, imgGray, bVis);
else {
    detKeypointsModern(keypoints, imgGray, detectorType, bVis);

totalTime += ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();

MP.3 Keypoint Removal

Remove all keypoints outside of a pre-defined rectangle and only use the keypoints within the rectangle for further processing.

bool bFocusOnVehicle = true;
cv::Rect vehicleRect(535, 180, 180, 150);
if (bFocusOnVehicle) {
    vector<cv::KeyPoint> filteredKeypoints;
    for (auto kp : keypoints) {
        if (vehicleRect.contains(kp.pt))
    keypoints = filteredKeypoints;

MP.4 Keypoint Descriptors

Implement descriptors BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, AKAZE and SIFT and make them selectable by setting a string accordingly.

void descKeypoints(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &descriptors, string descriptorType) {
    cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> extractor;
    if (descriptorType.compare("BRISK") == 0) {
        int threshold = 30;        // FAST/AGAST detection threshold score.
        int octaves = 3;           // detection octaves (use 0 to do single scale)
        float patternScale = 1.0f; // apply this scale to the pattern used for sampling the neighbourhood of a keypoint.
        extractor = cv::BRISK::create(threshold, octaves, patternScale);
    else if (descriptorType.compare("BRIEF") == 0) extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor::create();
    else if (descriptorType.compare("ORB") == 0) extractor = cv::ORB::create();
    else if (descriptorType.compare("FREAK") == 0) extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::FREAK::create();
    else if (descriptorType.compare("AKAZE") == 0) extractor = cv::AKAZE::create();
    else if (descriptorType.compare("SIFT") == 0) extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create();
    else throw invalid_argument("Unknown descriptorType" + descriptorType);

MP.5 Descriptor Matching

Implement FLANN matching as well as k-nearest neighbor selection. Both methods must be selectable using the respective strings in the main function.

void matchDescriptors(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsSource, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsRef, cv::Mat &descSource,
                      cv::Mat &descRef,
                      std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches, std::string descriptorType, std::string matcherType,
                      std::string selectorType) {
    // Init Config
    bool crossCheck = false;
    cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher;
    int normType;
    if (descriptorType.compare("DES_BINARY")) normType = cv::NORM_HAMMING;
    else if (descriptorType.compare("DES_HOG")) normType = cv::NORM_L2;
    else throw invalid_argument("Unknown descriptorType " + descriptorType);

    if (matcherType.compare("MAT_BF") == 0) matcher = cv::BFMatcher::create(normType, crossCheck);
    else if (matcherType.compare("MAT_FLANN") == 0){
            const cv::Ptr<cv::flann::IndexParams>& indexParams = cv::makePtr<cv::flann::LshIndexParams>(12, 20, 2);
            matcher = cv::makePtr<cv::FlannBasedMatcher>(indexParams);
        else matcher = cv::FlannBasedMatcher::create();
    else throw invalid_argument("Unknown matcherType " + matcherType);

    // Implement optimal matching
    if (selectorType.compare("SEL_NN") == 0) { // Optimal NN

        matcher->match(descSource, descRef, matches); // Select optimal match
    } else if (selectorType.compare("SEL_KNN") == 0) {
        int k = 2;
        vector<vector<cv::DMatch>> knn_matches;
        matcher->knnMatch(descSource, descRef, knn_matches, k);

MP.6 Descriptor Distance Ratio

Use the K-Nearest-Neighbor matching to implement the descriptor distance ratio test, which looks at the ratio of best vs. second-best match to decide whether to keep an associated pair of keypoints.

// Utilize descriptor distance ratio to filter KNN result
double minDistRatio = 0.8;
for (auto matchPair : knn_matches) {
    if (matchPair[0].distance < minDistRatio * matchPair[1].distance) {

MP.7 Performance Evaluation 1

Count the number of keypoints on the preceding vehicle for all 10 images and take note of the distribution of their neighborhood size. Do this for all the detectors you have implemented.

Please see the table below. "Num. KP" refers to the number of keypoints for all 10 images.

MP.8 Performance Evaluation 2

Count the number of matched keypoints for all 10 images using all possible combinations of detectors and descriptors. In the matching step, the BF approach is used with the descriptor distance ratio set to 0.8.

Please see the table below. "Match KP" refers to the number of matched keypoints for all 10 images.

MP.9 Performance Evaluation 3

Log the time it takes for keypoint detection and descriptor extraction. The results must be entered into a spreadsheet and based on this data, the TOP3 detector / descriptor combinations must be recommended as the best choice for our purpose of detecting keypoints on vehicles.

Please see the table below. "Time [ms]" refers to the time (in milliseconds) to perform keypoint detection and descriptor extraction.

Performance Analysis

The required performance metrics have been documented below. Additionally, these values have been normalized for better insight into the performance for 'Detector + Descriptor' combinations. Three cases are normalized:

$\frac{KP_{matched}}{KP_{number}} \ \ \quad (1)$

$\frac{KP_{number}}{KP_{maximum}} \quad (2)$

$\frac{t_{best}}{t_{actual}} \quad \quad \ \ \ (3)$

Equation $(1)$ takes the total matched keypoints and is divided by the number of keypoints in the combination (higher is better).

Equation $(2)$ takes the total number of keypoints and is divided by the maximum number of detected keypoints for the specific detector and descriptor combination (higher is better).

Equation $(3)$ takes the best time and is divided by the actual time for the specific detector and descriptor combination (higher is better).

With these three equations, a fourth equation is created to create a tradeoff space matrix: $$[\frac{KP_{matched}}{KP_{number}} * \frac{KP_{number}}{KP_{maximum}} *\frac{t_{best}}{t_{actual}}]*100(3)$$

This results in an objective evaluation for the performance values.

Detector + Descriptor Num. KP Match KP Time [ms] Match KP /Num. KP Num. KP/Max. KP Best Time/Actual Time Score*
AKAZE+AKAZE 1670 1172 845.583 0.701 0.408 0.057 1.637
AKAZE+BRIEF 1670 1087 877.726 0.650 0.408 0.055 1.462
AKAZE+BRISK 1670 1110 874.885 0.665 0.408 0.055 1.501
AKAZE+FREAK 1670 973 804.114 0.583 0.408 0.060 1.432
AKAZE+ORB 1670 918 884.853 0.550 0.408 0.055 1.227
AKAZE+SIFT 1670 1270 839.757 0.760 0.408 0.058 1.787
BRISK+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
BRISK+BRIEF 2762 1344 3783.89 0.487 0.675 0.013 0.420
BRISK+BRISK 2762 1298 3774.18 0.470 0.675 0.013 0.407
BRISK+FREAK 2762 1093 3778.11 0.396 0.675 0.013 0.342
BRISK+ORB 2762 933 3777.22 0.338 0.675 0.013 0.292
BRISK+SIFT 2762 1646 3766.72 0.596 0.675 0.013 0.517
FAST+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
FAST+BRIEF 4094 2178 49.1297 0.532 1 0.985 52.410
FAST+BRISK 4094 1832 69.2639 0.448 1 0.699 31.306
FAST+FREAK 4094 1566 69.0111 0.383 1 0.701 26.861
FAST+ORB 4094 2061 48.4005 0.503 1 1.000 50.300
FAST+SIFT 4094 2782 52.0133 0.680 1 0.931 63.277
HARRIS+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
HARRIS+BRIEF 248 141 199.716 0.569 0.061 0.242 0.841
HARRIS+BRISK 248 121 200.885 0.488 0.061 0.241 0.717
HARRIS+FREAK 248 123 168.128 0.496 0.061 0.288 0.871
HARRIS+ORB 248 145 194.823 0.585 0.061 0.248 0.887
HARRIS+SIFT 248 163 193.836 0.657 0.061 0.250 1.001
ORB+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
ORB+BRIEF 1161 450 84.0515 0.388 0.284 0.576 6.345
ORB+BRISK 1161 649 84.7304 0.559 0.284 0.571 9.069
ORB+FREAK 1161 649 87.2563 0.559 0.284 0.555 8.806
ORB+ORB 1161 530 83.2771 0.456 0.284 0.581 7.527
ORB+SIFT 1161 763 83.0927 0.657 0.284 0.582 10.869
SHI-TOMASI+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
SHI-TOMASI+BRIEF 1179 816 166.881 0.692 0.288 0.290 5.780
SHI-TOMASI+BRISK 1179 690 182.826 0.585 0.288 0.265 4.460
SHI-TOMASI+FREAK 1179 574 144.65 0.487 0.288 0.335 4.693
SHI-TOMASI+ORB 1179 768 167.014 0.651 0.288 0.290 5.433
SHI-TOMASI+SIFT 1179 927 155.641 0.786 0.288 0.311 7.039
SIFT+AKAZE nul nul nul nul nul nul nul
SIFT+BRIEF 1386 597 1321.9 0.431 0.339 0.037 0.535
SIFT+BRISK 1386 536 1099.49 0.387 0.339 0.044 0.578
SIFT+FREAK 1386 506 1297.85 0.365 0.339 0.037 0.461
SIFT+ORB memErr memErr memErr memErr memErr memErr memErr
SIFT+SIFT 1386 800 1045.31 0.577 0.339 0.046 0.906

Detector + Descriptor Selection

As a result of the table above, the following combinations have been selected:

Detector + Descriptor Motivation
FAST+SIFT Highest Tradeoff Space: 63.277
FAST+ORB Fastest Response Time: 48.400
FAST+BRIEF Robust and fulfils nonfunctional requirements well (COTS, ease of implementation)