
This repo contains the simulation scenes for the flexible automation assignment

MIT LicenseMIT

University of Genoa PMAR Robotics Group

Flexible Automation Simulation Project

Author: Omotoye Shamsudeen Adekoya
Email: adekoyaomotoye@gmail.com
Student ID: 5066348


  • Introduction
    • Problem Statement
  • Part 1: Plant Layout Design and Simulation
  • Part 2: Robot Simulation
  • Part 3: Analysis and Optimization of the cell
  • Part 4: Report Generation


This repository contains a Simulation project for the Flexible Automation course in Robotics Engineering Degree 2021. A Coppeliasim Simulation Scene is to be developed to solve the problem that is stated below.

Problem Statement

A car engine parts manufacturer approaches you seeking a robotics automated solution for one of their problems in their loading and unloading station. The station receives three parts of the engine. The Job of the station is to segregate the products and load it to the appropriate loading line. The task is to design a flexible manufacturing cell (FMC) with robot centered layout for the above function.

for more information on the project requirements, click here

Part 1: Plant Layout Design and Simulation

working on it...