
Arduino generic menu/interactivity system

Primary LanguageC++

ArduinoMenu 3

Generic menu/interactivity system

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Build Status Donate


Full automated or user code driven navigation system. With this system you can define menus, submenus, input fields and other iteration objects that deal with all input/output and can call user defined handler as a result of user iteration. The user function can be operated as a single action called on click/enter or as a event driven function responding to focus In/Out or Enter/Esc events. The system is designed as a non blocking polling system, allowing parallel task to run. Optionally the system can be operated in semi-automated mode, issuing navigation comand from user code.

Simple Example

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <menuIO/serialOut.h>
#include <menuIO/chainStream.h>

#define LEDPIN 13
#define MAX_DEPTH 1

int timeOn=10;
int timeOff=90;

MENU(mainMenu, "Blink menu", Menu::doNothing, Menu::noEvent, Menu::wrapStyle
  ,FIELD(timeOn,"On","ms",0,500,100,10, Menu::doNothing, Menu::noEvent, Menu::noStyle)
  ,FIELD(timeOff,"Off","ms",0,500,100,10,Menu::doNothing, Menu::noEvent, Menu::noStyle)


  ,NONE//must have 2 items at least


void setup() {
  Serial.println("Menu 3.x");
  Serial.println("Use keys + - * /");
  Serial.println("to control the menu navigation");
  pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LOW);


  • Small footprint on RAM using PROGMEM on system where it is available.
  • Wide variety of input/output devices supported.
  • Easy to define menus (macros).
  • Minimalistic user code base.
  • Fields edit values hooked to existing program variables (references).
  • Fields can edit variables of any type (templates).
  • Reflexive fields, showing variable changes done outside the menu system.
  • Numerical field edit and range validation.
  • Enumerated fields for numeric and non-numeric types
  • Customizable (colors and cursors).
  • Able to work over Serial stream IO as a base level.
  • Supports multiple inputs and outputs in parallel.
  • static allocation of RAM, avoiding heap fragmentation, all RAM needed to define menu structure is allocated at program statup.
  • events available for menus and prompts
  • simply returns when no input available and no needed to draw.
  • lazy drawing, only draws when changed, avoiding time consumption and flicking.
  • sync/async navigation API functions
  • async navigation for stateless clients (as web)
  • web interface
  • Tested on Arduino: AVR, ARM, Teensy 3.2, ESP8266


This library depends on the following libraries:

Depending on the type of input or output, other libraries might be needed. Essentially any library needed for your devices.


  • when using macros the menu is limited to 16 options (current macro limnit).
  • menus must have at least 2 options.
  • maximum 127 options.
  • fast access (numeric keys) only supports 9 options (1 to 9)
  • prompts can overflow on panels with less than 4 characters width
  • menu system is character based, so choose monometric font to achieve best results, it will work with any font but the text can overflow.


  • Character based information display.
  • Line based menu organization.
  • Stream IO + specializations.

Version 2.x videos


IO devices

Output devices

Serial https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Serial

Standard arduino LCD library https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/LiquidCrystal

F Malpartida's LCDs (ex: i2c LCD) https://bitbucket.org/fmalpartida/new-liquidcrystal/wiki/Home

Adafruit's GFX devices https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library

UTFT devices (not yet implemented on v3) http://www.rinkydinkelectronics.com/library.php?id=51

U8glib devices https://github.com/olikraus/U8glib_Arduino

U8G2 devices https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2

Serial ANSI terminal https://github.com/neu-rah/AnsiStream

Web browser (experimental) when using ESP devices

Input devices

Serial https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Serial

quadEncoder - Generic encoder using PCINT (builtin)

Buttons - simple digital keyboard (builtin v2.x)

Generic keyboard (no PCINT) - configurable for digital or analog keyboards (v2.x)

ClickEncoder https://github.com/0xPIT/encoder (not yest implemented on v3)

Web browser (experimental) when using ESP devices



- complete revision of menu control system
- menu structure separated in ram objects and flash objects
- using separate navigation control objects **navNode**
- central navigation control object **navRoot**
- using event for all menu objects (focus, blur, enter, exit).
- multiple panels
- color enumeration at base level
- multiple output devices in parallel
- define exit as regular option
- limiting text width to prevent overflow


  • support for teensy (tested on 3.2)
  • new field type SELECT
  • reflexivity, fields reflect external changes to values
  • store field strings to progmem
  • automatic use of RAM on system without PROGMEM


  • action functions now need to return bool (only affects menus)

false = continue menu

true = exit menu

  • Support for U8GLib screens
  • alternative use ClickEncoder
  • using flash memory to store menu strings and lists (PROGMEM)


  • non-blocking menu main cycle
  • Menufields as menu prompts with associated value values can be: numeric withing range list of values toggled on click (for small lists) list of values selected as submenu (for longer lists)
  • PCINT now supports Mega/2560 and possibly others


  • basic menu functionality


encoder now needs begin() to be called on setup

input is read from generic streams, included simple streams for encoders and keyboards - provided encoder driver uses internal pull-ups and reverse logic

multiple stream packing for input to mix encoder stream with encoder keyboard (usually 1 or 2 keys)


more info at

wiki pages, issues or r-site.net


please report errors, problems or enhancement ideas, I apreciate the feedback. Thanks.

On issues report please specify the input and output drivers or devices.