
Dynamic parameter identification code for rokae xmate manipulator based on MATLAB, including excitation trajectory optimization, LSM method, and N-E formulation of dynamic equation.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Dynamic parameter identification code for rokae xmate manipulator based on MATLAB, including excitation trajectory optimization, LSM method, and N-E formulation of dynamic equation.

Project Stucture and Description:


  • Formulate robot dynamic model through Newton-Euler method.
  • Linearize robot dynamic model to obtain regressor.
  • Apply QR decomposition to obtain minimal regressor.
  • Convert minimal parameter set Pmin to standard set.
  • Verify error between observation and NE-based estimation.
  • Deduce robot dynamic equation item.

See ./dynamics/README.md and run_dynamics.m for details.


  • optimize excitation trajectory based on cond of minimal regressor.
  • matrixized constraints for trajectory optimization: |q| < qmax, |qd| < qdmax, |qdd| < qddmax, q0=qn=q_init
  • plot figures of {q, qd, qdd, cart_pos} and also animation.
  • cpp scripts for running excitation trajectory based on rci client.

See ./excitation/README.md and run_optimize.m for details.


  • Downsample observation data to assigned size.
  • Apply butterworth and zero-phase filter to q, qd, qdd, tau data.
  • Plot figures of raw and filtered data.

See ./filtering/README.md and run_filtering.m for details.


  • Apply LSE (least square estimation) to figure out minimal param set.
  • Verify error between observation and estimation by min regressor.

See ./identify/README.md and run_identify.m for details.

Usage scenarios:

Identification pipeline:

  1. Derive robot dynamics, regressor and minimum paramset: run_dynamics.m PART-IA and PART-IB.
  2. Optimize excitation trajectory: run_optimze.m.
  3. Data filtering and processing: run_filtering.m.
  4. Estimate minimum paramset using LSE: run_identify.m.
  5. Map minimum paramset to standard paramset: run_dynamics.m PART-II.
  6. [OPTIONAL] Test the performance of identified dynamics model with standard paramset: run_dynamics.m PART-III.


  1. Keep System of Units consistent throughout the project (mm and Nmm).
  2. Additional adjustment of virtual mass in dyn_mapping_Pmin2P.m is needed for better paramset mapping.

Excitation Trajectory Optimization:

Obtain min regressor matrix in \dynamics and then turn to \excitation.

Validation Error Verification:

Copy raw sensor data in \filtering and then turn to \dynamics.