
ROS package for publishing data in visualizable format

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


ROS code for publishing data in visualizable format. Targeted for ROS melodic. Has been containerized, so this package should be easy to utilize. Build and launch commands have been specified in the Makefile.

Bbox vizualization


Use detection messages, specified by this pacakge, in your project. Also, update the launch/rviz_detections.launch to suit your needs.

Then, build this package with make docker-build command. Start the roscore and rviz instances locally. Finally, launch visualization node inside a container with make docker-launch command.


  • Container uses host-network, which allows the application to communicate with local roscore and local rviz instances. (We don't want to run these inside the container).

  • Launch file is mounted inside the container, so configuration parameters can be changed easily. If the container is already running, then you need to only relaunch it after updating parameters in the configuration file.


Turn on the debug option in the launch file and change -d to -it in Makefile's launch command, so that debug prints become visible in the terminal.


Here is good info about markers: