
This repository is deeply inspired by OpenPCDet and MMDetection3D, and incorporates their advantages. In this repo, we develop HAVSampler and GridBallQuery to speed up poin-based model and its deployment.


pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install spconv-cuxxx(e.g.cu113)
python develop

pre-train model can be downloaded from Google Drive.


refer to OpenPCDet to prepare your data:

mkdir data && cd data
ln -s path/to/your/kitti/dataset kitti
cd ../
python -m rd3d.datasets.kitti.kitti_dataset \
create_kitti_infos configs/base/datasets/


train your model like this:

python tools/ \
--cfg configs/iassd/ \
wandb --group rd3d

or train with multi-GPU

accelerate launch tools/ \
--cfg configs/iassd/ \
wandb --group rd3d

Export ONNX Model

python tools/deploy/                                      \
--cfg_file configs/iassd/iassd_hvcsx1_4x8_80e_kitti_3cls\(export\).py   \
--ckpt tools/models/iassd_hvcsx1_4x8_80e_kitti_3cls\(export\).pth       \
--onnx tools/models/trt 

Then the exported onnx model can be found in fold tools/models/trt.

Export TensorRT Model

python tools/deploy/                                         \
--onnx ./tools/models/trt/iassd_hvcsx1_4x8_80e_kitti_3cls\(export\).onnx  \
--batch 1                                                                 \
--type FP32  # FP32 / FP16 / INT8


python tools/deploy/ \
--engine ./tools/models/trt/iassd_hvcsx1_4x8_80e_kitti_3cls\(export\).engine

if susses, the following figure can be seen in the visualization window.



python tools/deploy/                                            \
--engine tools/models/trt/iassd_hvcsx1_4x8_80e_kitti_3cls\(export\).engine    \
--batch 1                                                                     \
--build_in  # or not

And the following results will be shown in terminal:

name layers average (ms) median (ms) percentage (%)
HAVSampling 1 0.106 0.102 0.9
BallQuery 8 5.197 5.054 42.4
ForeignNode 8 4.144 4.079 34.2
NMSBEV 1 0.137 0.137 1.1
Others 48 2.402 2.358 19.8
Total 66 12.0 11.9 100.0