Issue with data generation
amoghskanda opened this issue · 1 comments
Hey, thanks for making this open source. Despite choosing the start and arrival lane, no images/videos are being generated for that respective lane. Some lanes are giving key errors while there's a constant error in the terminal that reads :
drawVex = [QPointF(ctf.zoomScale*(ctf.drawCenter+rev[0]+ctf.offset[0]),ctf.zoomScale*(ctf.drawCenter-rev[1]+ctf.offset[1])) for rev in relativeVex]
SystemError: <class 'DeprecationWarning'> returned a result with an error set
This is happening in OASim/limsim/simModel/common/
Update : Had to specify the frames in/hmi/dataGenerator/ line 113. I loaded the egoTrackingTest.db and it had 5 frames of data.
Error: Answered with error to command 0xc4: Vehicle '0' is not known
This error keeps getting displayed on the terminal. I'm guessing it's an issue with typecasting string vehicle id into integer somewhere. @jiahao68 can you look into it once?