
Implement virtual machine CHIP-8 using C language

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Space Invaders

CHIP-8 is an old VM from the 1970-s. This is an implementation of CHIP-8 VM for modern systems. It is not 100% accurate and made for my pleasure. You can use it for reference (or your course work).

You can read more in my blog post.


You have to install CMake to build this project.
If you are using Conan, you also need python and pip.
On Windows you need to install Visual Studio.
On MacOS you need to install Xcode command line tools.

Conan (recommended)

On Windows, Ubuntu and MacOS I would recommend using Conan.
It might not work on other OS/distro (it doesn't on Arch Linux).


Conan is a C/C++ package manager. It automatially resolves dependencies and downloads them.
You can install and set up conan using pip.
We are also adding bincrafters remote URL.

pip install conan --user
conan remote add bincrafters https://bincrafters.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/conan/public-conan
conan config set general.revisions_enabled=1

Windows users: don't forget to add pip script folder to your PATH environment variable (if you haven't already).

Clone and Build:

git clone https://github.com/plukraine/c8
cd c8

# create build directory and build the project
./conan_build.sh # unix
conan_build.bat # windows

The Old-Fashioned Way

You can also just install libraries youself and let CMake find them.
This approach should work on Linux and MacOs.


sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libgtest-dev


sudo pacman -Sy sdl2 gtest


brew install web-eid/gtest/gtest sdl2
git clone https://github.com/plukraine/c8
cd c8
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release


Download some ROMs.
Locate c8 executable in c8/build or c8/build/bin folder.
Execute c8 200 /path/to/the/rom.

If your game is running too fast (or slow), you can change fps from 200 to something smaller (or larger).
Use 1234 qwer asdf zxcv keys and experiment with the game.
And, most importantly, have fun!