
Show Coriolis Effect in action using Godot Game Engine

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Coriolis Effect

What is Coriolis Effect?

Long version: https://scijinks.gov/coriolis/
Short version: objects go left when we rotate left

Why would I care?

This phenomenon has some surprising effects on the Earth's atmosphere. It influences weather on a large scale and therefore can be interesting for pilots, mariners and weather enthusiasts out there. Go check the long version for more!

What is this project?

This is a simple demonstration of the Coriolis effect made using Godot Game Engine.
You can change the rotation speed and the throw strength to get an intuition for the effect.

Why do I care again (as a software dev)?

  • You can learn how to create objects with 3D physics.
  • You can find an example on how to use the _integrate_forces function to influence Rigid body without breaking the Engine. For instance, how to teleport a Rigid Body object.
  • Or maybe you just want to explore some simple Godot project IDK lol.

Build and Run

Download latest Godot and import the project.

