
calibrate_pr2 is not a publisher of diagnostics warning (ros ticket #4433)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Warning encountered when launching PRL with cturtle:

[WARN] 1276198636.707437: Could not process inbound connection: [/calibrate_pr2] is not a publisher of [/diagnostics]. Topics are [['/rosout', 'roslib/Log'], ['/calibrated', 'std_msgs/Bool'], ['/calibration_status', 'std_msgs/String']]{'topic': '/diagnostics', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '3cfbeff055e708a24c3d946a5c8139cd', 'type': '*', 'callerid': '/runtime_logger'}
[WARN] 1276198636.708466: Could not process inbound connection: [/calibrate_pr2] is not a publisher of [/diagnostics]. Topics are [['/rosout', 'roslib/Log'], ['/calibrated', 'std_msgs/Bool'], ['/calibration_status', 'std_msgs/String']]{'topic': '/diagnostics', 'tcp_nodelay': '0', 'md5sum': '3cfbeff055e708a24c3d946a5c8139cd', 'type': 'diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray', 'callerid': '/diag_agg'}

trac data:

[vpradeep] This has to do with the boot-up calibration and not pr2_calibration.

[sglaser] This message is coming out of ROS, probably from rospy. If it's still occurring, open a bug on the ros trac.