Infrastructure to control the PR2 robot in a hard realtime control loop.
- 0
new release for noetic
#344 opened by davefeilseifer - 1
- 0
Segmentation fault in gzserver on spawning pr2 with its controllers using pr2_controller_manager
#340 opened by rishabh900 - 3
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Incompatible with ROS Kinetic
#330 opened by yswhynot - 0
request for releasing on indigo
#326 opened by k-okada - 1
Suspicious use of ros::Ok()
#328 opened by ledvinap - 8
size of joints of PR2GripperTransmission on hydro
#324 opened by garaemon - 0
Create in-source changelog
#316 opened by ahendrix - 0
Clean up dependencies in pr2_mechanism
#314 opened by ahendrix - 1
Catkinize pr2_mechanism
#313 opened by ahendrix - 1
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pr2_conroller_manager/scripts/spawner uses non-existant rosparam._set_param; causes crash (ros ticket #5154)
#311 opened by ahendrix - 0
- 1
New tree class for handling kinematic tree structures more conveniently (ros ticket #5063)
#309 opened by ahendrix - 0
Velocity safety controllers limit static effort a joint can apply (ros ticket #4918)
#308 opened by ahendrix - 4
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics tests depend on pr2_component_description (ros ticket #4881)
#307 opened by ahendrix - 2
pr2_mechanism/spawner should wait for the services it calls. (ros ticket #4879)
#306 opened by ahendrix - 1
Joints cannot reach max effort when k_vel is set too low in urdf (ros ticket #4858)
#305 opened by ahendrix - 1
pr2_mechanism_diagnostics test failure in unstable release (ros ticket #4828)
#304 opened by ahendrix - 1
Create new test package for pr2_mechansim_diagnostics with URDF's (ros ticket #4789)
#303 opened by ahendrix - 2
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More descriptive error message when controller throws exceptions on init() (ros ticket #4633)
#298 opened by ahendrix - 1
New part in hardware interface for calibration of actuators (ros ticket #4627)
#297 opened by ahendrix - 0
Convert pr2_mechanism tutorials from CodeRef macro to GetTaggedCode macro (ros ticket #4590)
#296 opened by ahendrix - 2
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min_position_ and max_position_ not initialized in JointStatistics (ros ticket #4529)
#294 opened by ahendrix - 1
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pr2_mechanism_model transmissions use deprecated pluginlib api (ros ticket #4513)
#292 opened by ahendrix - 1
joint_position_controller should to reset PID windup in starting() (ros ticket #4485)
#290 opened by ahendrix - 0
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New transmissions can't be pulled out of pr2_mechanism_model package (ros ticket #4431)
#288 opened by ahendrix - 3
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Add ROS_NAMESPACE prefix to tf output from robot state publisher (ros ticket #4330)
#284 opened by ahendrix - 4
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Allow mechanism diagnostics to disable controller warnings (ros ticket #4328)
#282 opened by ahendrix - 2
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- 1
Check features between 1.0 branch and trunk for pr2_mechanism (ros ticket #4289)
#278 opened by ahendrix - 4
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safety controller code error (ros ticket #4276)
#275 opened by ahendrix - 0