
Question about stub

iris0329 opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for generously opening up this code !

I found that there is a piece of code as:

       #  print number of parameters and the ones requiring gradients
        stub = torch.zeros((1,
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            stub = stub.cuda()
        _, stub_skips = self.backbone(stub)

I am curious about the function of this piece of code.
Although there is a line of comments here, I still don't quite understand what the code does.
Could you please give more detailed explanation?

I am looking forward to your reply

Best wishes !


This is a quick and dirty way to check the sizes of the activations in the encoder when I build the decoder. If you look at the backbone execution, it returns 2 values: the last feature volume, and all the feature volumes at all output strides (stub_skips in this case). This is later passed to the constructor of the decoder so it can verify that its layers that use skip connections have the proper sizes.

Thank you for your reply.
Does that mean "If I comment out these lines, it will not affect the function of the program"?