

David-dotcom666 opened this issue · 0 comments

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common arguments

device: gpu
seed: 3

dataset arguments

batch_size: 1
num_workers: 0
category: bottle
resize: [256, 256]
crop_size: [224, 224]
data_path: data/mvtec_anomaly_detection
save_path: output/

train arguments

do_eval: False # After training, whether to eval model;
backbone: resnet18 # Support resnet18, resnet50, wide_resnet50_2

val and predict arguments

save_pic: True # Whether to save one output example picture in val and predict;
model_path: output/resnet18/bottle/bottle.pdparams

predict arguments

img_path: data/mvtec_anomaly_detection/bottle/test/good/001.png
threshold: 0.5

复现环境 Environment

paddle 2.6.1
paddleseg 2.8
cuda 11.7,cudnn 8.4.1

Bug描述确认 Bug description confirmation

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