Here you can find the configuration files and a detailed guide to use the i3 window manager on the top of KDE Plasma desktop environment. always: If this eats your cat or starts a global thermonuclear war, you are on your own.
- Introduction
- Overview
- Login Manager
- Desktop
- Applications
- Terminal Emulator (Alacritty)
- Shell (fish)
- Browser (Firefox)
- Text Editor (Sublime Text)
- Keyboard shortcuts
- System
- Scripts
- Credits
Each folder is named after a package and contains every configuration file used by that application.
Besides some noted exceptions, the files inside the folders are relative to home (e.g. the file vim/.vimrc
goes to ~/.vimrc
Every section here explains which settings and (if any) workarounds/fixes are used to obtain the described result.
For further reference, read carefully every section in this file, and copy only the configuration files relative to the parts you are trying to setup.
If something still doesn't work as expected, check:
- Issues of this repo where someone else may have/had the same problem:
- Here you can find some blog entries where I describe more fixes and workarounds to problems appeared while using this setup / Debian.
If none of these helped, feel free to open an issue here. Include your distro informations and the configuration values you are trying.
- OS: Debian GNU/Linux sid
- DE: Plasma
- Workspace theme: Breeze
- Desktop theme: Arc T
- Icon Theme: Papirus-Dark
- Widget Style: Breeze
- GTK theme: Breeze, monokai-gtk
- Windows manager: i3-gaps
- Login Manager: SDDM
- Compositor: picom
- Terminal emulator: alacritty
- Launcher: rofi
FontAwesome, wmctrl, feh.
SDDM, breeze2-sddm-theme, San Francisco Display.
X, Plasma, i3, compton
I'm using KDE Plasma as Desktop Environment + i3-gaps as (tiling) Windows Manager. Without having to use patches to either i3 or KDE - just with some tuning - everything works out of the box, including:
- the Pager widget (which correctly reads and lets you switch i3 workspaces)
- the Icons-only Task Manager (~dock) widget (opens for you the corresponding workspace when clicking an icon)
- other plasmashell widgets and popups
- multiple displays
- everything offered by i3 (including window focusing, shortcuts and mouse-related things)
You will still use the Plasma session with startx
, so set your login manager accordingly.
350 MB base RAM consumption, compositor included.
Please note that i3 will replace KWin completely, so you won't have titlebars and every other compositing/animation feature offered by a standard Plasma installation.
The Plasma wallpaper is rendered at the top, hiding everything. Disable the autostart of ksplashqml
sudo mv /usr/bin/ksplashqml /usr/bin/ksplashqml.old
Finally, in the i3 configuration we use wmctrl
to kill the Plasma desktop view:
exec --no-startup-id wmctrl -c Plasma
for_window [title="Desktop — Plasma"] kill; floating enable; border none
A possible solution, in the i3 configuration:
force_display_urgency_hint 0 ms
focus_on_window_activation urgent
See #13.
The wallpaper is set with feh
in the i3 configuration, as startup command.
If you notice something like this, compton maybe the problem, try disabling the fade
wintypes :
tooltip :
# fade = true;
shadow = false;
opacity = 0.75;
focus = true;
It's a fully transparent Plasma panel, themed with the Arc T desktop theme. The awesome-widgets plasmoid shows the following content:
<div align="right" style="color:#ffffff; font-family:'Helvetica Neue'; font-size:12pt;">$hddfreegb0G $cpu% $memgbG $temp0 $custom1</div>
Where $custom1
. Depends on FontAwesome
Rofi (themed in X/.Xresources
), started in i3 with bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu='rofi -i -dmenu -width 40 -lines 8 -font "San Francisco Display 18"'
Font rendering settings are in the X
folder. Typefaces in bold are in my current setup, while the others are appreciated alternatives I like to periodically switch to.
Sans Serif, UI:
- Helvetica Neue
- IBM Plex Sans
- San Francisco Display
- Inter
Monospaced, text editors and shells:
- SF Mono
- Monaco
- Hack
- Input
- Iosevka
- Libre Baskerville
, compton
and picom
have been tested to work flawlessly on this setup.
System notifications are handled by Plasma. If you don't see them correctly, check if you have another notification daemon installed (e.g. dunst
which comes as recommended package for i3
in some distros).
SpaceGray Eighties
Framework: oh-my-fish, theme: bobthefish.
Add-ons: Greasemonkey, Decentraleyes, uBlock Origin, CanvasBlocker.
The entire detailed configuration of the browser is in User.js
, with settings to improve privacy, limit tracking and fingerprinting, disable unwanted features (based on pyllyukko/user.js and ghacks-user.js).
A non-exhaustive cheatsheet on using this setup with the keyboard:
is the Windows key, in this setup.
+ ..
startx i3
start i3 from command line<Enter>
open a terminald
open program launcher (Rofi)r
resize mode (<Esc>
to leave resize mode)shift
exit i3shift
restart i3 in placeshift
reload config fileshift
kill window (does normal close if application supports it)x
move the workspace to another xrandr display
tabbed layoute
vertical and horizontal layout (switches to and between them)s
stacked layoutf
+<direction key>
Move window in direction (depends on direction keys settings)
The tmux meta key is A
or B
in secondary machines.
start newtmux new -s myname
start new with session nametmux a
attachtmux a -t myname
attach to namedtmux ls
list sessionstmux kill-session -t myname
kill session
+ A
new sessions
list sessions$
name session
create windoww
list windowsn
next windowp
previous windowf
find window,
name window&
kill window
vertical split"
horizontal splito
swap panesq
show pane numbersx
kill pane+
break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy)-
restore pane from window⍽
- space toggle between layoutsq
show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane{
move the current pane left)}
move the current pane right)z
toggle pane zoom
big clock?
list shortcuts:
normal mode
panorama viewAlt
next tab groupAlt
previous tab group
My machines run on Debian Sid/unstable.
This is not a good solution if you don't know what the previous statement means or if you want a stable system and aren't prepared to fix things.
- Connect to Juniper based VPN servicetemplate.tex
- Template for my LaTex + Pandoc
- Using teamviewer without wasting
- Backup, encrypt and upload to Dropbox/
- Starting android emulators with (working) HW
- sshfs preset (mounts remote folder as local filesystem, over ssh)
- Disable things on battery, and the other way round on
- Renders battery icon, percentage, charging and AC indicators in status bar. Executed by
- Prepares the system and updates the VirtualBox Guest
- (Python3) Checks if a new Sublime Text 3 version is available and installs it (deprecated)
- Update the system (APT, npm -g)
- #i3, #kde freenode IRC channels. /r/unixporn, /r/i3wm contributors, @ruphy, @ktonga.
- sddm configuration
- jaagr dots
- A tmux configuration, and another
- pandoc-templates
- i3/KDE related things: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5