Introductions to key concepts in quantum programming, as well as tutorials and implementations from cutting-edge quantum computing research.
- 4rzaelGouach
- alexanderkolesnikov
- AnesBenmerzougappliedAI Initiative GmbH
- benjioneINRIA Grenoble
- bgbashiro
- caifengsteven
- cgranadeDual Space Solutions, LLC
- co9olguy@XanaduAI
- csqphy
- DeepInEvilUniversity of Bonn
- dvu4Chicago
- ENM1989
- GaarvOslo, Norway
- glassnotesThe University of British Columbia
- gtim108
- HuangJunyeIBM Quantum
- hulegCambridge, MA
- israelzunigaIsle of Wight, UK
- jbweston@microsoft
- jd-hernandezEncora, Inc.
- josh146@XanaduAI
- leonoxAachen, Germany
- mldeveloper01
- MohamedLEGHParis,France
- mohammedaugie13@bitwyre
- mrecachinas@github
- paraskukEPAM Systems
- Prakash2403@needle-digital
- pranath-reddyUniversity of Florida
- rajeshkumarkarra
- rowhitToronto, Ontario
- roya0045None
- rugantio
- SatyaKuppamOshawa ON
- soudyThe Netherlands
- von-steinkirch