Introductions to key concepts in quantum programming, as well as tutorials and implementations from cutting-edge quantum computing research.
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[BUG] Corrections MPS demo
#1267 opened by KetpuntoG - 4
- 2
[BUG] Various demos raising jax deprecation warnings
#1180 opened by albi3ro - 1
[BUG] `tutorial_ml_classical_shadows` is not working
#1084 opened by KetpuntoG - 1
[BUG] `ComplexWarning`s in various demos
#1212 opened by mudit2812 - 0
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Quantum-Train LSTM Demo
#1175 opened by Abeeekoala - 0
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[DEMO] Qutrits and the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
#1081 opened by goel-67 - 9
[DEMO] Quantum multilabel classification with JAX
#1096 opened by poporubeus - 4
Addition of an author to an existing community demo
#1087 opened by goel-67 - 6
[DEMO] Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
#1065 opened by Jane121389 - 5
[DEMO] Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
#1058 opened by Jane121389 - 3
[BUG] QML JAX and Optax demo does not use the correct definition of optimizer
#1045 opened by Gopal-Dahale - 0
[BUG] Backprop tutorial has an incorrect gradient result compared to other built-in methods
#1050 opened by isaacdevlugt - 0
Duplicate folder in demos with extra files
#1031 opened by KetpuntoG - 3
- 1
Delete metadata and authors from .py
#980 opened by KetpuntoG - 1
- 0
Move to operator arithmetics
#990 opened by KetpuntoG - 8
Correction in the "QSVT in Practice" demo
#910 opened by jezerjojo14 - 0
Update `tutorial_variational_classifier` to torch
#971 opened by KetpuntoG - 8
Quantum Reinforcement Learning Demo
#962 opened by AVON257 - 2
- 1
[BUG] Overlapping back relation on Demos page
#569 opened by Mandrenkov - 2
[BUG] images overflow boundaries
#792 opened by KetpuntoG - 4
Consider using the latest Mitiq version
#783 opened by andreamari - 2
Update 3D plots
#748 opened by KetpuntoG - 0
Update custom macros
#739 opened by KetpuntoG - 1
Reporting a vulnerability
#730 opened by igibek - 3
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qml.grouping deprecated
#699 opened by KetpuntoG - 30
[DEMO] quantum-variational-rewinding
#658 opened by jackbaker1001 - 2
Wrong sign in QAOA driver parameters?
#681 opened by timbode - 1
[BUG] Blog title font doesn't support diacritics
#680 opened by KetpuntoG - 5
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[BUG] Wrong image on tutorial classical kernels
#608 opened by emgilfuster - 3
[BUG] Inconsistent hyperlinks for the "back" button in (at least) QML demos
#525 opened by emgilfuster - 1
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[DEMO] Simulated Annealing
#513 opened by maxwell04-wq - 1
[BUG] "View on GitHub" links broken on demo pages
#591 opened by ikurecic - 2
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[BUG] Notebook wrongly generated in the download
#524 opened by KetpuntoG - 2
[Mistake in demo] Figure beamsplitter photonics demo
#505 opened by soosub - 0
[FEATURE] Revisit the Quantum volume demo
#470 opened by antalszava