Pinned Repositories
This is a simple calculator app that can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using Java.
This project is a visualization of global temperature data using D3.js. It displays monthly temperature variances over time, highlighting the temperature changes with different colors.
The Drum Machine is a web application that allows users to play different drum sounds by clicking on drum pads or pressing corresponding keys on the keyboard. It provides a simple and interactive interface for creating drum patterns and recording them.
Welcome to my HTML/CSS project repository! This repository showcases my web development projects built using HTML and CSS,.
This repository is a dedicated space for sharing and showcasing JavaScript projects that focus on basic algorithmic problem-solving. In this repository, you can contribute your JavaScript projects that demonstrate your understanding of fundamental algorithms and data structures.
This is a simple calculator app implemented using React. It allows users to perform basic arithmetic calculations by inputting mathematical expressions.
The Markdown Previewer is a simple web application that allows you to preview Markdown text and see the rendered output in real-time. It uses React and the Marked library to convert Markdown syntax into HTML.
The Random Quote Machine is a web application that displays random inspirational quotes. It fetches quotes from the API and allows users to get a new quote and share quotes on social media platforms.
PhilomenaMusili's Repositories
This is a tribute page dedicated to Nelson Mandela, a revered statesman and anti-apartheid revolutionary who fought for justice, equality, and human rights. The web page showcases his biography, accomplishments, legacy, and provides additional resources for further information.
The Person class is a Java program that defines a class for a person's details. It has private instance variables for the person's surname, other names, age, marital status, and gender. It also has methods to display the person's details and to change their marital status.
This is a simple calculator app that can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using Java.