
a java library for making quick 1d cellular automata simulation

Primary LanguageJava


a java library for making quick 1d cellular automata simulation

if you don't know what are cellular automata, you better document before using the library


==========MADE BY PHYSIC DEV (Physic Gamer)==========

you can use this for your own project but i would apreciate you mention that this was done by me.



  • Class Cellular1D

    • Cellular1D(int L,int N,int S) constructor, L : automata cells number N : range (0 = depends only with of itself, 1 = also depends of its directs neighbors) S : total possible states


int gen : the actual generation int[] state : contain the actual state of the automata


  • getLength() indicates the length value

  • getNeighbors() indicates the neighbors number (always an odd number)

  • getRule() indicates the rule value

  • getState() indicates the numbers of possible state

  • getTranslate(int state) indicates the character associated with the state

  • maxRule() indicates the total number of Rule-1, it's also the biggest number we can assign to a rule

  • nextGen() compute the next generation

  • reset() fill the state array (state[]) with 0 exact the middle cell that take the value of 1

  • reset(int value) fill the state array (state[]) with 0 exact the middle cell that take the value of value

  • random() fill the state array (state[]) randomly with possible state values

  • setChar(char[] c) match each state to a character , is used for the render of the automata in the terminal (see toString()) c : char array with a length of state (see getState())

  • setRule(int r) assign a rule to the cellular automata r : integer between 0 and MaxRule (see maxRule())

  • toString() convert the state array in a String with the help of the translate array (see setChar())

  • Class ComplexCellular1D

work in the same way as Cellular1D

hovewer cellular automata of ComplexCellular1D are'nt totalistic :

example :

Cellular1D :

20320+12031 because 20320 = 2+0+3+2+0=7 12031 = 1+2+0+3+1=7

but in ComplexCellular1D :

20320 != 12031

so these configuarions can give different result