
Undergraduate thesis project. ROS package for CoppeliaSim drone simulation with feature extraction for ML analysis.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository provides a Coppeliasim drone simulation. With the simulation you will be able to make the drone travel through a list of paths. Each path contains a set of points that the drone must reach.

After the drone finishes the path, 2 files will be generated, a flight data and an error log that will be stored in the data_base folder. With this files, energy consummed by the drone can be computed for further data analysis (features_preProcessing.py in scripts_ML folder) this code generates two new files. With the obtained features, further analysis can be made with Machine Learning models to compute which features are more relevant in the drone energy consumption.

Authors: Salomón Granada Ulloque (s.granada@uniandes.edu.co) and Sebastían Murcia Ramirez (js.murcia@uniandes.edu.co)

Any inquiries, troubleshooting, bugs, future projects contact these authors.


  1. The simulation requires ROS (Robot Operating System) and was mainly developed and tested with:
  • ROS Melodic Morenia on Ubuntu 18.04

Other distributions might not work properly so it is recommended to use one of this setup.

  1. CoppeliaSim V4.2.0 rev5 for Ubuntu 18.04.

This software is free and you can download it from: https://coppeliarobotics.com/downloads

  1. Libaries
pip3 install rospkg numpy scipy


  1. Clone the repository (recommended location is ~) downloaded file is a ROS package.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/salogranada/drone_irrigation.git
  1. Move repository to the source of the workspace (for this example tesis_ws).
cd ~/tesis_ws/src/
  1. Move to the root of the workspace.
cd ~/tesis_ws/
  1. Build the workspace.
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash


Although we will be running a .launch file (which starts roscore behind) we need to run this roscore so that Coppeliasim can start its ROS plugin.

  1. Run roscore.
  1. On another terminal window, open the simulator Coppeliasim. Change current directory to your downloaded folder and run.
cd Downloads/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_2_0_Ubuntu18_04

Open drone_control.ttt scene (this file is inside this repository, in Scene folder).

  1. Run the drone controller, on another terminal run (Make sure you source the devel space on each terminal session you want to use the simulation on):
cd ~/tesis_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch drones_pkg simulation.launch

A black box should show up in the simulation and the particle should go towards this waypoint. The drone follows the particle. The drone would complete a path with various points defined in a txt file. When there is no more waypoints in the path you can stop the simulation and report files will be generated with flight data and error log.


This section describes ROS topics that are available on the simulation.

Published Topics

  • /drone_nextPose ([Float32MultiArray]) > final_controller.py
  • /drone_nextEuler ([Float32MultiArray]) > final_controller.py
  • /PE/Drone/tank_volume ([String]) > final_controller.py
  • /PE/Drone/drone_status ([Float32MultiArray]) > final_controller.py
  • PE/Drone/controller_time ([Float32MultiArray]) > final_controller.py
  • /PE/Drone/restart ([Bool]) > final_controller.py
  • /currentMass ([Float32]) > variableMass5.py

Coppeliasim Published Topics

  • /simulationTime ([Float32])
  • /realTime ([Float32])
  • /force ([Float32MultiArray])
  • /torque ([Float32MultiArray])
  • /velocity ([Float32MultiArray])
  • /drone_pose ([Float32MultiArray])
  • /target_pose ([Float32MultiArray])
  • /drone_orientation ([Float32MultiArray])