
Julia package for backward time simulation of the reassortment and coalescence process of $k \geq 1$-genetic segments. ARGTools ancestral reassortment graphs (ARGs), individual phylogenetic trees for each segment and maximally compatible clades (MCCs). This package is primarily used for generation data TreeKnit. For more information about ARGs and MCCs see TreeKnit's documentation and the following paper:

TreeKnit: Inferring Ancestral Reassortment Graphs of influenza viruses
Pierre Barrat-Charlaix, Timothy G. Vaughan, Richard A. Neher bioRxiv 2021.12.20.473456; doi:

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ARGTools simulates a backward time coalescence and reassortment process of populations. Branch lengths correspond to generations. Coalescence is a stochastic process with rate parameter $$\gamma_c = \left(\frac{n_c}{2}\right)^{\alpha} \frac{(n_c-1)}{2N},$$ $N$ is the population size and $n_c$ is the number of nodes available for coalescence, $\alpha$ is a parameter that determines tree structure. In the standard Kingman model $\alpha = 1$, in ARGTools this corresponds to simtype = :kingman. As TreeKnit is primarily used for influenza data ARGTools also allows the user the option to simulate trees that are more flu-like with simtype = :flu, this method sets $\alpha = 0.2$. When combined with reassortment this model leads to the unfortunate side-effect that trees with higher reassortment rates also have longer branches. Reassortment is also modeled as stochastic process with rate parameter $$\gamma_r = r n_r.$$

# Parameters of the ARG simulation
N = 10_000 # pop size
n = 6 # Number of lineages at time t=0 (number of lineages decreases with time)
simtype = :kingman
r = 0.2 # Absolute reassortment rate

# Simulating the ARG - 2 segments
arg = ARGTools.SimulateARG.simulate(N, r, n; simtype);

# The trees for the 2 segments
t1, t2 = ARGTools.trees_from_ARG(arg; node_data = TreeTools.MiscData);

# The real MCCs
rMCCs = ARGTools.MCCs_from_arg(arg)

To perform simulations ARGTools defines two (not disjoint) sets of nodes; nodes available for reassortment ($n_r$) and nodes available for coalescence ($n_c$). By default all nodes are available for coalescence and the simulation is over when there is only one node left. A node is only available for reassortment when it has more than 1 segment. At starting time, generation $t=0$ all nodes have $k>1$-segments. In the code segments are referred to as colors.

When reassortment occurs at generation $t$ a random node $n$ is chosen from the set of nodes available for reassortment ($n_r$) and is replaced by two ancestral nodes in the next generation $t+1$. This replacement occurs in both the set $n_r$ and $n_c$. Node $n$ has at least $2$ segments, these are randomly split amongst the two ancestral nodes. If an ancestral node has under two segments it can no longer undergo reassortment and will be removed from the $n_r$ set.

When coalescence occurs at generation $t$ two random nodes are selected from the set of nodes available for coalescence ($n_c$) and are replaced by a new node with the union of their segments in the next generation $t+1$. The simulation is finished when there is only one node in the set $n_c$ remaining.

The time to the next coalescent or recombination event is determined by sampling from the exponential distribution $$t \sim Exp(\gamma_c + \gamma_r).$$ Whether the next event is a reassortment or coalescence event is determined by random sampling, if $$rand((0,1)) \leq \frac{\gamma_c}{\gamma_c + \gamma_r}$$ a coalescence has occurred, otherwise a recombination event has occurred.

Extended Newick

ARGs are often visualized in extended newick format Cardona, G., Rosselló, F. & Valiente, G. Extended Newick: it is time for a standard representation of phylogenetic networks. BMC Bioinformatics 9, 532 (2008). ARGTools allows the export of ARGs to extended newick format.

 ARGTools.extended_newick(arg; pruned_singletons=true, tau=false)

Note that the extended newick format leads to the creation of singletons which are by default pruned when ARGs are simulated in ARGTools. Thus, the pruned_singletons parameter should be set to true for simulated ARGs. When reading an ARG from an extended newick (ARGTools.parse_extended_newick()), and subsequently re-writing the ARG to an extended newick this parameter should be set to false. Setting tau=true will lead the length of branches to be added to the extended newick file.

An example how to export ARGs generated in ARGTools in extended newick format is presented below.

using TreeTools
using ARGTools

# Parameters of the ARG simulation
N = 10_000 # pop size
n = 6 # Number of lineages
ρ = 1 # Reassortment rate scaled to coalescence rate
simtype = :kingman
r = ARGTools.get_r(ρ, n, N, simtype) # Absolute reassortment rate
# Simulating the ARG - 2 segments
K = 2
arg = ARGTools.SimulateARG.simulate(N, r, n; K, simtype);

# The trees for the 2 segments
t1, t2 = ARGTools.trees_from_ARG(arg);

# Writing results
outfolder = "ARG_n$(n)_rho$(ρ)_simtype_$(simtype)/"
write_newick(outfolder * "tree1.nwk", t1)
write_newick(outfolder * "tree2.nwk", t2)
## Write ARG to an extended newick
# simulations prune singletons by default
ARGTools.write(outfolder * "arg.nwk", arg; pruned_singletons=true)

# The real MCCs can be printed to a file using TreeKnit
using TreeKnit
rMCCs = ARGTools.MCCs_from_arg(arg)
write_mccs(outfolder * "real_MCCs.dat", rMCCs)