
Joint epitope selection and spacer design for string-of-beads vaccines

Primary LanguagePython

Joint Epitope Selection and Spacer Design for String-of-Beads (or EV) Vaccines

JessEV is a framework for simultaneous selection of epitopes and design of spacers for string-of-beads vaccines based on mixed integer linear programming. The linear program maximizes the immunogenicity of the epitopes selected, while respecting constraints related to their pathogen/HLA coverage and conservation, as well as cleavage scores at certain critical locations of the vaccine.


The required dependencies can be installed via conda:

conda create -n jessev --file packages.txt -c conda-forge

Additionally, you should install one of the solvers that are supported by pyomo. The default solver used by this project is gurobi, which is free for academic usage.


The command line interface is contained in design.py, whose usage can be seen via python design.py --help. As input it requires a CSV file with the epitopes to consider, the output file for the vaccine, and a series of options to specify constraints on the vaccine:


  -s, --min-spacer-length INTEGER
                                  Minimum length of the spacer to be designed
  -S, --max-spacer-length INTEGER
                                  Maximum length of the spacer to be designed
  -e, --num-epitopes INTEGER      Number of epitopes in the vaccine
  --top-immunogen FLOAT           Only consider the top epitopes by

  --top-proteins FLOAT            Only consider the top epitopes by protein

  --top-alleles FLOAT             Only consider the top epitopes by allele

  --min-alleles FLOAT             Vaccine must cover at least this many

  --min-proteins FLOAT            Vaccine must cover at least this many

  --min-avg-prot-conservation FLOAT
                                  On average, epitopes in the vaccine must
                                  cover at least this many proteins

  --min-avg-alle-conservation FLOAT
                                  On average, epitopes in the vaccine must
                                  cover at least this many alleles

  -g, --min-nterminus-gap FLOAT   Minimum cleavage gap
  -n, --min-nterminus-cleavage FLOAT
                                  Minimum cleavage at the n-terminus
  -ct, --min-cterminus-cleavage FLOAT
                                  Minimum cleavage at the n-terminus
  -c, --min-spacer-cleavage FLOAT
                                  Minimum cleavage inside the spacers
  -C, --max-spacer-cleavage FLOAT
                                  Maximum cleavage inside the spacers
  -E, --max-epitope-cleavage FLOAT
                                  Maximum cleavage inside epitopes
  -i, --epitope-cleavage-ignore-first INTEGER
                                  Ignore first amino acids for epitope

  --log-file PATH                 Where to save the logs
  --verbose                       Print debug messages
  --solver-type TEXT              Which linear programming solver to use
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The input epitopes must be in a CSV file with the following columns:

  • immunogen: the immunogenicity of the epitope.
  • alleles: a list of alleles to which the epitope binds separated by ;, e.g. HLA-B*40:06;HLA-A*01:01;HLA-B*40:01.
  • proteins: a list of numerical IDs of the proteins that contain the epitope, e.g. 53;63;2.
  • epitope: the epitope sequence, e.g. MGNKWSKSI.


The experiments performed in the paper can be run with the bash scripts in the experiments directory. The necessary input data is located in the dev directory, where results and log files will be placed. These results can be analyzed by running plots.py, which will create the paper's figures in the dev directory and print the results of the analyses mentioned in the paper.

Note: the sequential approach requires FRED-2, which does not officially support python 3 yet. Unfortunately, some fiddling is required on your part.