- 8
Why <script type="text/markdown">?
#16 opened by ebidel - 3
- 4
Webpack support broken
#96 opened by jpradelle - 1
databinding support
#104 opened by pedro2555 - 2
- 5
Import default export of markedjs
#99 opened by RebeccaStevens - 0
Syntax highlighting
#98 opened by lastmjs - 21
Polymer 3.0 support is broken
#81 opened by MajorBreakfast - 3
The marked-element in insecure by default
#40 opened by therealmik - 4
Replace marked library with 8fold-marked
#82 opened by ankon - 2
- 9
- 6
- 3
Add optional toolbar for bold, italics, quotes, code, link, bullets, numbering, task list.
#35 opened by phidias51 - 2
Table of Contents
#75 opened by bennypowers - 5
sanitize always forced to true
#69 opened by robrez - 8
fails to build with polymer cli
#37 opened by joeblew99 - 2
Easier addition of new programming languages
#32 opened by kishaningithub - 5
vulcanize removes whitespace
#18 opened by sebs - 5
- 2
binding script src might only work once
#62 opened by robrez - 1
inconsistency in documentation (slot vs class)
#60 opened by robrez - 1
Is the 2.0 branch working?
#59 opened by RenatoUtsch - 3
Unable to bind script tag's src attribute
#57 opened by vpusher - 3
Support for target="_blank" for links
#47 opened by Boscop - 2
Changes in v1.4.0 contain ES2015 method shorthand syntax, causing issues in older browsers
#53 opened by jimivdw - 4
script tag in fenced code breaks
#10 opened by m4b - 7
[Feature request] Adding the 'src' attribute to the script tag and make loading markdown from a .md file possible
#34 opened by salah-saleh - 7
Line break support
#42 opened by Boscop - 1
marked-element doesn't have no more the scrollbar
#45 opened by Abe90 - 9
Attribute to make links open in new window
#4 opened by mbleigh - 1
textarea newline not showing in markdown
#30 opened by thexs-dev - 2
[Feature request] Accept options in attribute
#17 opened by Holi0317 - 2
- 0
- 2
Syntax highlighting
#24 opened by soonick - 3
- 1
- 0
- 0