
JSON editing use cases

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The purpose of enumerating plausible use cases is to have some basis for designing the user interface for editing JSON files.

Use cases

  1. User wants to add an additional seed reference sequence to an existing project.
rng64 commented

Use cases

  1. User wants to view data of existing project.
  2. User wants to add additional project.
    a. User wants to add additional seed reference to an existing project.
    b. User wants to add coordinate/seed region to an existing project.
  3. User wants to change existing project data.
    a. User wants to change seed reference of an existing project.
    b. User wants to change coordinate region data.
    c. User wants to change seed region data.
    d. User wants to change description.
  4. User wants to delete exist project data.
    a. User wants to delete seed reference of an existing project.
    b. User wants to delete coordinate region data.
    c. User wants to delete seed region data.