
Missing a lot of sequences

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Currently we are only displaying 3 samples categorized as BA.2.86:

However the GISAID database currently holds 776 records with this lineage label.

[covizu@Paphlagon data]$ unxz -c provision.2024-04-13T00\:00\:06.json.xz | grep -c "\"covv_lineage\": \"BA.2.86\""
=# select count(accession) from sequences where lineage='BA.2.86';
(1 row)

It looks like we have 916 records in the database. Checking to see if these sequences are being filtered

Of the 918 BA.2.86 records that made it to the filter_problematic function:

def filter_problematic(records, origin='2019-12-01', rate=0.0655, cutoff=0.005,
maxtime=1e3, vcf_file='data/ProblematicSites_SARS-CoV2/problematic_sites_sarsCov2.vcf',
misstol=300, callback=None):
Apply problematic sites annotation from de Maio et al.,
which are published and maintained as a VCF-formatted file.
:param records: generator, records from extract_features() or encode_diffs()
:param origin: str, date of root sequence in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd)
:param rate: float, molecular clock rate (subs/genome/day), defaults
to 8e-4 * 29900 / 365
:param cutoff: float, use 1-cutoff to compute quantile of Poisson
distribution, defaults to 0.005
:param maxtime: int, maximum number of days to cache Poisson quantiles
:param vcf_file: str, path to VCF file
:param encoded: bool, flag to indicate if records are from encode_diffs()
:param misstol: int, maximum tolerated number of uncalled bases
:param callback: function, option to print messages to console
:yield: generator, revised records
# load resources
mask = load_vcf(vcf_file)
qp = QPois(quantile=1-cutoff, rate=rate, maxtime=maxtime, origin=origin)
n_sites = 0
n_outlier = 0
n_ambig = 0
for record in records:
if type(record) is not dict:
qname, diffs, missing = record # unpack tuple
diffs = record['diffs']
# exclude problematic sites
filtered = []
for typ, pos, alt in diffs:
if typ == '~' and int(pos) in mask and alt in mask[pos]['alt']:
if typ != '-' and 'N' in alt:
# drop substitutions and insertions with uncalled bases
filtered.append(tuple([typ, pos, alt]))
ndiffs = len(filtered)
n_sites += len(diffs) - ndiffs
if not encoded:
record['diffs'] = filtered
# exclude genomes with excessive divergence from reference
coldate = record['covv_collection_date']
if qp.is_outlier(coldate, ndiffs):
n_outlier += 1
# exclude genomes with too much missing data
if total_missing(record) > misstol:
n_ambig += 1
yield record
if type(record) is dict:
qname, missing = record['qname'], record['missing']
yield [qname, filtered, missing]
if callback:
callback("filtered {} problematic features".format(n_sites))
callback(" {} genomes with excess missing sites".format(n_ambig))
callback(" {} genomes with excess divergence".format(n_outlier))

850 sequences were filtered out as being outliers, 65 were filtered out for having a lot of missing sites

Ok I think we have to turn off molecular clock filtering for now. Let's do the following:

  • pass cutoff=0 to filter_problematic
  • set qp = None if cutoff==0 around line:
qp = QPois(quantile=1-cutoff, rate=rate, maxtime=maxtime, origin=origin)
  • modify test if qp.is_outlier(coldate, ndiffs): to if qp and qp.is_outlier(coldate, ndiffs): to skip test if qp is None

Alternatively it might be easier to modify QPois to return False for every call to is_outlier when it is initialized with cutoff=0

Reprocessing everything in the database to update variants with this change