- 3
- 14
- 0
Updated powershell template
#100 opened by svrooij - 0
- 1
#98 opened by BryanEuton - 1
serilog can't be loaded in PowerShell module
#97 opened by Andy-AO - 0
PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters contains values from previous invocations in pipeline
#96 opened by skaempfer - 8
Guidance on writing new PS cmdlets in .net
#94 opened by a-teece - 0
Several properties missing from ProviderInfo
#95 opened by matt9ucci - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
PowerShell Standard version 5.1.1 not found
#90 opened by ankku - 0
Reintroduce version 5 support or clarify that it was replaced by the version 7 prerelease
#89 opened by connor-roehricht - 0
Template option --powershell-standard-version incorrectly lists 5.1.0 instead of its current choice of 7.0.0-preview.1
#87 opened by connor-roehricht - 3
Dependency Injection in Cmdlets
#58 opened by TraGicCode - 0
PowerShell Standard should list dependencies of PowerShell platforms under its facade
#86 opened by rjmholt - 0
- 1
RunspaceConfiguration missing
#80 opened by njaegergrassl - 2
- 4
C# 8 support and folder requirement
#78 opened by markm77 - 0
- 2
PowershellStandard 7?
#76 opened by JustinGrote - 5
- 11
- 3
- 1
Missing RunspaceConnectionInfo Types
#68 opened by adamdriscoll - 4
PSCredential class is broken when using this library with .netcore or .netframework
#74 opened by youcefnb - 2
- 0
PowerShellStandard.Library v6
#67 opened by bergmeister - 2
- 2
Revisit 5.1.0 does not contain Runspace.DefaultRunspace.CreateNestedPipeline()
#65 opened by ChrisLynchHPE - 2
5.1.0-preview-06 does not contain Runspace.DefaultRunspace.CreateNestedPipeline()
#42 opened by bergmeister - 7
PowerShell.Create() returns null
#63 opened by patware - 4
Attributes don't retain their values
#62 opened by matteo-prosperi - 3
- 0
Mention usage in README
#56 opened by FranklinYu - 1
- 2
Missing Runspace.CreatePipeline
#55 opened by adamdriscoll - 4
Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies does not allow using a version of full .Net lower than 4.6.1
#54 opened by bergmeister - 3
V5 reference assembly has incorrect signature for ScriptBlockAst.UsingStatements
#34 opened by lzybkr - 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Document minimum required version of nuget.exe for published NuGet packages (it does not work with nuget 4.1)
#43 opened by bergmeister - 1
Nuget for Microsoft.PowerShell.Standard.Module.Template does not have recent changes
#31 opened by markekraus - 4
Several properties missing from CmdletProvider
#26 opened by Jaykul - 1
- 0