
dashboard for mocap

Primary LanguagePython

Dash visualizer for c3d and freemocap

3d visualization for the mocap data in bowser

General animation


  • Python 3.8+
  • Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download the freemocap data from here and unzip in the folder freemocap
    You can change file path variable here.
  • Run the freemocap_visualization.py to start the flask server.
python freemocap_visualization.py
  • open the port in the browser
  • To change the width and height for your browser change the this line of code.


  • Toolbar setup
  • visualization work based on the timer
  • documentation for the fuction
  • have a button to stop the vis.
  • fix the viewing angle.
  • Add trajectory information.

cool stuff thanks to plotly

Hover infomation

Hover and info