
CNC 2D Plotter is a project designed to draw a specific diagram on paper by giving the commands from the computer. It uses a software called Inkscape which allows us to draw vector graphics on the computer and then generates a G-code. The axes is controlled by two stepper motors, one which controls the movement along y-direction which moves the central limb. The second stepper controlled the movement along x-direction by moving the pen holding plate. The pen movement for drawing is controlled by the servo motor in the up-down direction. It is controlled by a GRBL controller. GRLB is the open source firmware freely available for every one and is used as a firmware for the CNC machine. GRBL shield and GRBL firmware is best for 3 axis stepper CNC machine. The CNC shield is placed over the Arduino board.

The project uses 3D printed PLA parts and GT2 pulleys and belts.


Working of the Project :

Step1 : Uploading MIGRBL library code to Arduino Uno


Step2 : Connecting Servo motor to GRBL CNC shield. image

Step3 : Generating G-code using Inkscape.

Step4: Running the code from controller. image



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