Helper scripts to assist with Wang lab lightsheet & tracing projects & Princeton BRAIN CoGS Histology Core.

Written by Z. Dhanerawala and A. Hoag (,

Relies on BrainPipe and ClearMapCluster local installations.

Module functions:

  • projects --> project-specific scripts written for Princeton Neuro researchers
  • clearmap --> helper scripts and post-hoc processing for images analyzed using ClearMapCluster
  • datajoint --> scripts to injest and curate lightsheet data in DataJoint databases; related to A. Hoag lightserv project
  • lightsheet --> related to processing and analyzing raw or downsampled lightsheet images
  • neuroglancer --> scripts to injest raw and downsampled lightsheet images into the Neuroglancer interface; related to A. Hoag lightserv project
  • ontology_analysis --> scripts to assist in traversing an atlas hierarchy of structures; typically used for the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas
  • registration --> helper scripts to do registration independent of the BrainPipe pipeline
  • registration/annotation_volume_analysis --> scripts utilizing atlas annotation volumes for processing or to do volume analysis

Project specific module functions:

In projects:

  • braincogs --> general analysis scripts written for BRAIN CoGS members/labs
  • esteban_engel --> analysis scripts related to Engel lab LAP promoter project in Maturana et al. (2020)
  • jv --> cfos and general analysis scripts for J. Verpeut
  • malaz --> analysis scripts to quantify clearing efficacy based on a summer undergraduate research project
  • mkislin --> probe detection analysis scripts for M. Kislin in-vivo recording work
  • rat_atlas --> scripts related to the Princeton Rat Atlas project in BRAIN CoGS
  • scooter --> analysis scripts for Falkner lab's c-Fos projects
  • seagravesk --> cfos and general analysis scripts for K. Seagraves
  • tracing --> analysis for Wang lab tracing projects; includes the HSV and PRV scripts for Pisano et al. (2020)