C++ implementations of well-known (and some rare) algorithms, while following good software development practices
Pinned issues
- 2
AVL Tree Implementation
#459 opened by srsonia2506 - 2
Knight's Tour Problem
#461 opened by PabloBartolomeMolina - 3
Addition of graph based Algorithms
#457 opened by architO21 - 1
Lacking documentation in linked list and other minor changes in the README
#455 opened by kseniavelichko - 0
Implementation for Max Flow Problem
#460 opened by srsonia2506 - 2
windows version fails to build
#446 opened by pm100 - 2
queue and stack leak
#447 opened by pm100 - 3
two algorthims fail -fsanitize = address
#449 opened by pm100 - 2
Fix radix sort
#431 opened by faheel - 1
Implement BFS and DFS
#445 opened by caramelmelmel - 1
Want to add documentation for linked list
#435 opened by vedsom - 3
- 1
Adding a new backtracking algorithm
#433 opened by shivani1706 - 1
Euler's Totient
#438 opened by omkar-karke - 1
Euclidean algorithms
#437 opened by Khushi260 - 3
Algorithm for binary tree traversal
#427 opened by Pradeepcbk - 1
Addition in data structures : AVL tree
#428 opened by kparaske - 1
Greedy algorithms.
#426 opened by ishikagupta1919 - 2
add segment tree data structure
#422 opened by dhnanj2 - 3
Radix Sort Test cases
#417 opened by fdhelaan - 0
- 4
- 1
Add Interpolation Search
#415 opened by AdityaPrakash-26 - 0
Add documentation for Sorting Algorithms
#358 opened - 4
Add Exponential search
#412 opened by nandiniagrawal2000 - 6
Documentation for Binary Search Tree
#392 opened by PhysicsUofRAUI - 1
CMake modification to allow compilation on non-GCC
#410 opened by ephi - 1
Add Jump Search
#404 opened by Chaotyc - 2
String Hashing Function
#391 opened by KyleSmith19091 - 24
Implement data structures for graph algorithms
#335 opened by alxmjo - 2
Printing all the permutations of a string/array.
#376 opened by brijeshsos66 - 1
Pancake Sorting Algorithm
#373 opened by santushtisharma10 - 1
Documentation for Linked List DS
#371 opened - 8
Fenwick Trees
#388 opened by PhysicsUofRAUI - 0
Typo in Sorting Documentation
#386 opened by PhysicsUofRAUI - 2
- 3
Automate unit test execution
#367 opened by ddugovic - 3
Implement Queue Data Structure
#363 opened by hafraz07 - 2
ReadMe file for the sorting section
#360 opened by parish09 - 1
- 3
Command make all does not work
#344 opened by alxmjo - 0
Update repo to reflect focus on C++
#346 opened by alxmjo - 1
Add Documentation for Dynamic Programming
#352 opened by 100sarthak100 - 1
Add documentation for searching algorithms
#350 opened by LuisFerTR - 1
Implement stack
#343 opened by hafraz07 - 2
Fix broken links in readme algorithm list
#334 opened by alxmjo - 4
Add Heap's algorithm for string permutations
#336 opened by a-moreira - 2
Add array's algorithm
#339 opened by beardbytes - 0
bucket / bin sort
#328 opened by bendanon - 0
Housekeeping Update to Documentation
#330 opened by rtbowtie