Front end developer with a passion for coffee HTML / CSS3 / JS || Ruby || Ruby on Rails || Flutter
First and third, Inc.Mexico
Psiale's Followers
- abdelpFullStack Labs
- AhmedTohamy01Available to Work Remotely or Relocate
- Ana-Becerril
- ApplianceJohn@firstandthird
- CarlosIgredaMicroverse Student
- confettibird
- Cyrus-KipropEarthster
- didymus707Freelance Full-stack Developer
- ermin-cahtarevicSoftware Engineer
- fegzycoleFreelance Full-stack Developer
- ferbaco86Freelance Full-Stack Web Developer
- firmoholandaviize computing
- helios-yametYamet
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- IvanDerlichFull-stack Developer
- ivanid22Freelance Full-stack developer
- JCMP92
- JorgeMeza93Puebla, México
- JoseLG03Morelia
- kitpaoPentalog - Opportunity Education
- MarilenaRoqueBackend Developer at Grafeno
- MauricioRobayoColombia
- MC-valor-TIFounders Workshop
- mohamedSabry0@microverseinc
- moinkhanif@bazaarvoice
- navy-ssKolkata
- PhiPhiPhi
- redacuveFull Stack Software Developer
- renatahrCode Fabric
- RhelliFreelance Full Stack Engineer
- Salvador-ON@nexton-labs
- SoldyLondon UK
- tang0614Software Engineer
- unrealnelly26
- UsagibUsagi. Colectivo Creativo
- voscarmvCEO @ Sanar con Hipnosis