
A simple CNN-classifier designed on keras to recognize Sign Language Digits.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A simple CNN-classifier designed on keras to recognize Sign Language Digits.

Kindly download the Dataset from the link below.(Optional , all the image data has already been pre-processed,vectorized and stored in X_data.npy and y_data.npy

Another attempt as I was learning OpenCV is linked here do check it out: https://github.com/Pythonista7/OpenCV_selfTut/blob/master/SignLangDigitRecogWOpenCV.ipynb

Original Dataset courtesy : https://github.com/ardamavi/Sign-Language-Digits-Dataset

The following repository contains a jupyter notebook containing a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to build a image classifier in keras using a Convolutional Neural Net.

A imgdatagen.py file has been provide if you want to know how the images were convertd into the form of training data used on the jupyter notebook.