Auto Docking

This package can be divied into two parts, pattern recognition and moving to goal. In pattern recogintion, this package depends on laser_line extraction package to turn laser point clouds into line segments. Then, this package will go through these line segments to find the designed pattern and broadcast a frame, dock frame. After the frame being populated, the robot will move to the dock and the strategy is shown as the gif below.



Download the packages and dependencies into NeuronBot2 workspace.

cd ~/neuronbot2_ros1_ws/src
git clone
git clone -b melodic-devel

Build the NeuronBot2 workspace.

cd ~/neuronbot2_ros1_ws/

Launch Gazebo including NeuronBot2 and Docking Station simulation.

source ~/neuronbot2_ros1_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch autodock_gazebo neuronbot2_dock.launch

Launch docking controller

source ~/neuronbot2_ros1_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch autodock_controller docking.launch open_rviz:=true


Subscribed Topics

  • /line_segments (laser_line_extraction/LineSegmentList)

Published Topics

  • /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)


Pattern Angle Definition

Pattern Parameters Definition

  • pattern_angle1 (default: 4.21)
    • Theta 1 as shown in pattern angle definition. Note that the unit is radian.
  • pattern_angle2 (default: 1.57)
    • Theta 2 as shown in pattern angle definition. Note that the unit is radian.
  • pattern_angle3 (default: 4.21)
    • Theta 3 as shown in pattern angle definition. Note that the unit is radian.
  • detect_angle_tolerance (default: 0.1)
    • The maximum difference between detected angle and pattern angle(pattern_angle1, pattern_angle2, pattern_angle3)
  • group_dist_tolerance (default: 0.1)
    • The maximum distance between two line to be recognize as a part of pattern. Such as the distance between the end point of detected vector b and the start point of detected vector a should smaller than group_dist_tolerance to be consider as a part of pattern.
  • laser_frame_id (default: "laser_frame")
    • The laser frame of the robot.
  • base_frame_id (default: "base_link")
    • The base frame of the robot.
  • min_v (default: 0.1)
    • Minimum linear velocity of the robot.
  • min_w (default: 0.1)
    • Minimum angular velocity of the robot.
  • max_v (default: 0.3)
    • Maximum linear velocity of the robot.
  • max_w (default: 0.3)
    • Maximum angular velocity of the robot.
  • threshold_v (default: 0.3)
    • The threshold of changing between minimum and maximum linear velocity.
  • threshold_w (default: 0.4)
    • The threshold of changing between minimum and maximum angular velocity.
  • dist_to_dock (default: 0.2)
    • Distance to the dock frame.
  • dist_to_center (default: 0.03)
    • Distance to the center.


There are models of dock for Gazebo simulation in "Model" file.

Dock 1

The size of dock 1 is shown as the picture below.

Dock 2

The size of dock 2 is shown as the picture below.