
Python Package for AARAPSI Project

Primary LanguagePython


Multi-purpose python package, for a variety of needs across the AARAPSI Project

Sister ROS Package: https://github.com/QVPR/aarapsi_robot_pack

Installation steps:

Grab the repo:

git clone https://github.com/QVPR/pyaarapsi.git

One of:

>>> pip install -e .[basic] # Only standard python dependencies
>>> pip install -e .[basic,ros] # Standard and ROS python dependencies
>>> pip install -e .[basic-versioned] # Only standard python dependencies with developer's flavour of package versions
>>> pip install -e .[basic-versioned,ros-versioned] # Standard and ROS python dependencies with developer's flavour of package versions
>>> pip install -e .[complete] # Same as [basic,ros]
>>> pip install -e .[complete-versioned] # Same as [basic-versioned,ros-versioned] (Recommended)



  • ajax_tools.py: Create and manage AJAX servers, requests for use with python Bokeh or inter-node data sharing.
  • argparse_tools.py: Methods to parse a variety of data types, for use with python argparse module.
  • enum_tools.py: Methods to ease use or improve readability of python enum enumerations.
  • file_system_tools.py: Methods to help explore the file system.
  • helper_tools.py: A variety of methods and classes to assist and accelerate python development.
  • image_transforms.py: ROS, cv2, cv_bridge, and numpy fusion methods.
  • lightglue.py: For use with LightGlue
  • missing_pixel_filler.py: Code I ripped from an online github, realised was bad, then upgraded (see Owen's corrections). Does what name suggests.
  • os_tools.py: Commands to ease python utilisation of Linux screen package.
  • plotting_tools.py: Generic plotting helpers
  • ros_tools.py: A variety of methods and classes to assist and accelerate ROS development in python.
  • roslogger.py: Custom build of ROS's rospy logging system to add exposed boolean for whether text was printed. Also useful for compatibility with non-ROS codebases.
  • transforms.py: Python tools for homogeneous transformations as well as 2D and 3D rotation matrices in numpy.
  • vars.py: Some defined codes, currently for colouring terminal output


  • defaultdict.py: For DefaultDict, which extends dict, to provide a default key.
  • object_storage_handler.py: For Object_Storage_Handler, to provide an easy loader/saver.


  • extract_images_from_rosbags.py: Needs update.
  • working_with_VPRDatasetProcessor_and_SVMModelProcessor.py: Needs update.


  • classes.py:
  • colours.py:
  • enums.py:
  • exceptions.py:
  • general_helpers.py:
  • modules.py:
  • nn_factors.py:
  • nn_helpers.py:
  • param_helpers.py:
  • params.py:
  • visualize.py:
  • vpr_helpers.py:


  • basic_rospy.py: Helper commands for aarapsi_robot_pack's path_follower.py; has ROS dependencies.
  • basic.py: Helper commands for aarapsi_robot_pack's path_follower.py; no ROS dependencies.
  • enums.py: enumerations for aarapsi_robot_pack's path_follower.py.
  • extended_follower_base.py: Extended base class(es) for aarapsi_robot_pack's path_follower.py.
  • simple_follower_base.py: Simple base class(es) for aarapsi_robot_pack's path_follower.py.


  • apgem_lib.py: Helper commands for apgem.py.
  • apgem.py: Container for AP-GeM, somewhat accelerated.
  • base.py: A base class for aarapsi_robot_pack nodes.
  • dataset_loader_base.py: A base class for aarapsi_robot_pack nodes.
  • download_models.py: Helper commands to pull down models from cloud storage solution
  • hybridnet.py Container for HybridNet, somewhat accelerated.
  • netvlad_lib.py: Helper commands for netvlad.py
  • netvlad.py: Container for NetVLAD, somewhat accelerated.
  • salad_lib.py: Helper commands for salad.py
  • salad.py: Container for DinoV2 SALAD, somewhat accelerated.


  • config.py: Tool for setting up paths used in various pyaarapsi instances.
  • npz_dataset_finder.py: Tool for searching up npz files, to aid in use of vpr_dataset_tool.py
  • svm_model_tool.py: All-in-one support vector machine generator, loader, and accessor.
  • vpr_dataset_tool.py: All-in-one ROS bag to numpy npz generator, loader, fixer-upper.
  • vpr_helpers.py: Enumerations and tools for VPR feature extraction.
  • vpr_image_methods.py: Tools for making, colouring, and operating on numpy images.
  • vpr_plots.py: Might broken. Intended for Bokeh integration.
  • vpr_plots_new.py: Broken. Intended for Bokeh integration.


  • gradseq_tools.py:
  • robotmonitor.py:
  • robotrun.py:
  • robotvpr.py:
  • visual_preproc.py:
  • vpred_factors.py:
  • vpred_tools.py: