RADDS has a specific LCD connectors different from RepRap standard LCD - and today only Text LCD exists so far for RADDS.
But I wanted a graphical LCD for my DUE/RADDS, and also have already RepRap Text LCD s, so why to buy an extra LCD.
I digged in and got a good setup to make it work :
When connections are ok with Ramps-FD, I got some issues with RADDS, the schematics suggest to use pins 42/43 for RS and EN but for me it is not working. I have tried on both RADDS I have and initialization is ramdomly failed or give a garbage screen. I got same behaviour with text LCD. I suspect some "noise" due to proximity of VCC so I moved RS/EN connection to pins 46/ 47 because Graphical LCD does not need and bingo - no more issue, same for text LCD using 42/43 for LCD 6/LCD 7 and 46/47 for RS/EN also solved the problem.
There is no cable today so far for the connection so I built mine.
Some pins : Gnd SDCard/3.3v SDCard/SCL/CS0 /LCD5/LCD6/LCD7 pins are not used so they could be used to add a keypad.
Here the corresponding pins:
(sorry for the picture, I do not know how to make it clear)
- This pin out is used on MarlinKimbra a very fancy and nice Firmware - so it is pretty easy to apply.
- For others firmwares like repetier, here the needed changes:
1 - Edit the uconfig.h *Beeper Pin (41)
#define BEEPER_PIN 41
*And of course the display type
*Define the pins for LCD in direct connections, we only need 3 pins (LCD 4 : 44, RS : 46, EN : 47)
#else // Direct display connections
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN 46
#define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN 44
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN -1
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN -1
*Display has key
#define UI_HAS_KEYS 1
*But no back key (unless you add the extra key pad)
#define UI_HAS_BACK_KEY 0
*The encoder need to be defined and ( 48, 50, 52) comment the extra key we do not have
UI_KEYS_INIT_CLICKENCODER_LOW(50,52); // click encoder on pins 50 and 52. Phase is connected with gnd for signals.
UI_KEYS_INIT_BUTTON_LOW(48); // push button, connects gnd to pin
*The encoder actions. and comment the others keys
UI_KEYS_CLICKENCODER_LOW_REV(50,52); // click encoder on pins 50 and 52. Phase is connected with gnd for signals.
UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(48,UI_ACTION_OK); // push button, connects gnd to pin
//UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(5,UI_ACTION_NEXT); // push button, connects gnd to pin
//UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(6,UI_ACTION_PREVIOUS); // push button, connects gnd to pin
//UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(11,UI_ACTION_BACK); // push button, connects gnd to pin
//UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(42,UI_ACTION_SD_PRINT ); // push button, connects gnd to pin
2- Edit configuration.h *LCD has SD Card support
#define SDSUPPORT 1
*The pin for SD Card detection is 14
Seems during upload sometimes buzzer is doing noise - but all is ok when upload is done