
This repository contains code examples in Python to use with the LoStik device

Primary LanguagePython

LoStik code examples

This repository contains code examples in Python to use with the LoStik device.

LoStick is a open source USB LoRa® device available here https://www.crowdsupply.com/ronoth/lostik. Its main characteristics are:

  • Works with any PC, Raspberry Pi, or BeagleBone
  • Simple ASCII interface
  • Supports Packet mode LoRa® (packet mode) or LoRaWAN™
  • Compatible with The Things Network and Loriot
  • Based on the RN2903/R2483 by Microchip

Main references used

Code examples

Before executing the code below:

  • check whether the channel parameters are properly set.
  • discover the serial port where the Lostik is connected (_lostik-serial-port_). For example in macOS with command:ls /dev/cu.*

Support files:

  • miniterm.py: used to connect to a LoStick and send commands manually
  • packer.py: support file

file: sender.py

  • sends using Lora a text message red from input
  • execute as: python sender.py _lostik-serial-port_

file: senderp.py

  • periodically sends using Lora a text message stored in variable "rawinput"
  • execute as: python senderp.py _lostik-serial-port_

file: receiver.py

  • continuously reads messages using Lora
  • execute as: python receiver.py _lostik-serial-port_

file: senderp_otaa.py

file: senderp_abp.py