- 1
- 7
#159 opened by AnderWoche - 5
I Need a SortedMutableEntityBag
#156 opened by AnderWoche - 7
Entity is in the world although it is deleted, the Contains function should also include delayRemoval entities.
#153 opened by AnderWoche - 2
- 2
- 1
Fix publishing to maven (user token)
#143 opened by Quillraven - 7
Component hooks will trigger family hooks before first configuration is finished for a given entity
#137 opened by marcphilippebeaujean-abertay - 3
Proposal: call system's onDispose in reverse order.
#129 opened by metaphore - 9
Family entity add/remove events dynamic listeners
#123 opened by metaphore - 6
FleksNoSuchEntityComponentException: Entity has no component of type 'BComponent'.
#125 opened by ludek17052 - 5
Allow add/remove systems dynamically
#124 opened by metaphore - 10
Proposal: Component add/remove hooks that don't rely on Component.onAdd/onRemove
#120 opened by LobbyDivinus - 10
Support for Tags / empty components
#118 opened by LobbyDivinus - 5
Safe way to reference entities?
#113 opened by dragbone - 6
Heap allocations in family.forEach due to use of virtual EntityBag.forEach
#116 opened by LobbyDivinus - 2
Signing does not work
#109 opened by Quillraven - 13
Proposal for component lifecycle methods
#103 opened by geist-2501 - 13
Support all Kotlin/Native targets
#98 opened by aSemy - 2
Basic Example Request
#96 opened by jonBarcus - 16
Better serialization support (KorGE)
#87 opened by Quillraven - 4
Enabled property of System
#94 opened by AahzBrut - 7
New name for "world" function
#90 opened by Quillraven - 17
Partial world update by network
#80 opened by Gidroshvandel - 5
More dynamic world and entity building
#83 opened by chrispytoes - 5
Multithreading support
#82 opened by chrispytoes - 3
- 7
2.1 family doesn't get updated
#76 opened by ernespn - 3
- 3
[Help Request] Updating Box2D ContactListener to Fleks 2.0 Entities and Components
#70 opened by rubybrowncoat - 7
- 13
Missing BitArray toString function
#63 opened by Quillraven - 1
Family with only noneOf configuration does not work properly when removing entities
#62 opened by Quillraven - 2
Family numEntities returns a wrong value
#59 opened by Quillraven - 1
Bring DSL to JVM version
#56 opened by Quillraven - 3
Documentation issue (?)
#58 opened by jobe-m - 11
- 11
Feature Request: API to get a family of entities.
#48 opened by Kietyo - 3
Remove "used" parameter from inject function
#54 opened by jobe-m - 2
Feature Request: Family listener
#47 opened by Kietyo - 2
- 2
Change gradle setup from jvm to kmp
#38 opened by Quillraven - 0
- 0
Add utility function for addOrUpdate component
#29 opened by Quillraven - 1
- 0
- 1
Allow getting a ComponentMapper via World
#22 opened by Quillraven - 0
- 0
removeAll should not call cleanupDelays
#23 opened by Quillraven - 7