- 1
R term not works (attached) with renv
#1556 opened by ShuguangSun - 0
When help is triggered, a closed plot window opens in addition to the help window.
#1575 opened by katrinabrock - 0
- 0
run multiple lines of code in terminal
#1573 opened by ShiLiangyu94 - 0
Conditional activity bar icon
#1572 opened by tianrui-qi - 0
R Interactive in tab changes title after reopening
#1571 opened by allefeld - 0
Dataframe breakdown
#1570 opened by illionaire3 - 1
Causing Remote Extension host to terminate unexpectedly
#1569 opened by viabard - 0
Formula command only gives error in vscode-R
#1568 opened by arbreazeale - 6
SessionWatcher do not work.
#1564 opened by iikkalord - 1
View() indicates an error
#1543 opened by hyq9588 - 0
plot text size too small
#1565 opened by MOKA1066 - 1
- 1
`rm(list = ls())` on top of files correlates with objects being automatically deleted
#1558 opened by courtiol - 2
- 1
VSC-R knit using background process stuck at 0%
#1550 opened by Henry715 - 1
Issue launching extension ("spawn EINVAL")
#1549 opened by b-rhodes - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Variable (data.frame) and Plot view was not rendered correctly in Safari web-browser
#1546 opened by naiqixiao - 5
plot in External browser trigger error of “useMethod”
#1512 opened by liuhuoz - 1
Ark as a main LSP
#1540 opened by atsyplenkov - 1
VsCode Code-Server Help page is empty
#1539 opened by bill-raynor - 1
- 1
- 0
On Windows and MacOS, `source()`ed packages do not show function suggestion even Namespaces attached and loaded
#1536 opened by Fred-Wu - 1
Option to open R console in split editor window
#1529 opened by grantmcdermott - 6
No response after clicking R: (not attached)
#1510 opened by Aurorabili - 1
Help page not available on remote SSH to windows
#1533 opened by ShuguangSun - 3
Run line of code (or chunk) by Ctrl + Enter and automatically include entire chunk, advancing cursor to the next line / chunk
#1508 opened by RInterested - 0
Can't assign R path
#1532 opened by Deimel-EAM - 2
Can I view data through keyboard shortcuts?
#1531 opened by nolanjj - 0
Run command in Terminal errors with "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')"
#1530 opened by kassi - 5
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not properly exported
#1515 opened by AmelZulji - 1
The wiki statement conflicts with the actual situation, about how to configure radian
#1528 opened by littlemingone - 0
- 0
- 2
terminal R studio
#1517 opened by gadialoumatou02 - 1
LS highlighting in Terminal with Radian?
#1514 opened by itsmevictor - 0
CI for macOS and windows always fails
#1521 opened by ElianHugh - 4
Issue with pkg `rstudioapi` after updating to R 4.4
#1518 opened by strengejacke - 0
Installing required packages fails if the system library is not writable and the user has no library
#1516 opened by andriygm - 0
Support for R available as module on Red hat remote
#1513 opened by AmelZulji - 2
Attach vscode-R to compute node and not head node
#1506 opened by ShadHOH - 0
No viewer show up after using view()
#1507 opened by LightofLiangYi - 0
No fonts detected for basic plot
#1505 opened by memeplex - 2
Cannot attach session when opening project certain ways
#1504 opened by memeplex - 0
Bug: this.favoriteNames.has is not a function
#1501 opened by xiajunwen1007 - 0