Public facing FRASIER RoboCup@Home codebase. For 2023 Robocup@Home competition
FRASIER RoboCup@Home codebase.
Note this instructions are tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
HSR Installation
- Follow the instructions here.
- Ignore all lines pertaining to couchDB for that installation refer to the instructions [here] (
- Install couchDB before attempting to full install ros-melodic-tmc-desktop-full
- If you don't have the login information, please ask James Tukpah or check the Password Manager file inside of RIVeR-RoboCup_WRS 2023 Channel
OpenRAVE Installation
Install dependencies:
- Follow the instructions here.
- Add the following to
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(openrave-config --python-dir)/openravepy/_openravepy_
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(openrave-config --python-dir)
Gurobi Installation Install Gurobi by following the instructions. You can get a free acadamic license if you have .edu email.
- Login/register for an account
- Go to download center in the upper right hand corner of the screen
- Click view on the Gurobi Optimizer card and install the most recent gurobi software
- Extract gurobi to either the home or opt directory (your choice)
- Go to License Center in the upper right hand corner of the screen
- Click request
- Generate Named-user Academic License
- Run /path/to/gurobi1000/linux64/bin/grbgetkey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx in terminal
- Store the license key in a directory
- Add the following to the
# Gurobi
export GUROBI_HOME=/path/to/gurobi1000/linux64
TrajOpt Installation
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install libopenscenegraph-dev libeigen3-dev
Trajopt uses Gurobi for the optimization.
git clone
cd trajopt && mkdir build
cd cmake/modules && code FindGUROBI.cmake
and add gurobi100 to the list of gurobi optionscmake .. -DGUROBI_LIBRARY=/opt/gurobi1000/linux64/lib/
make -j4
- Test out functionality by running
inside of the build folder, should return with 8 tests failed our of 10. - Add the following to
export TRAJOPT_HOME=/path/to/trajopt/folder
The vcs
is going to install several packages which are the dependencies of the frasier_robocup
. Before you run the below commands, make sure that the dependencies are installed by following the instructions here.
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
vcs import --input robocup_2018.yaml ~/catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws
catkin build
Note: In order to use vcs
, install sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool
Package Installation
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-ecl
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
catkin build
Detectron Installation Detectron2 Install info:
Instructions for Bringup
In order to get all the topics from HSR to one of the already setted up PCs, first make sure HSR is running.
- ssh into
- Press down the kill switch on back of the robot.
- run
sudo systemctl restart docker.hsrb.monitor.service
- Pull up the kill switch (after that wait for HSR Start voice).
- Run
on the main terminal (not in ssh terminal).
OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Note this instructions are tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Follow these instructions to turn on and test the functionality of HSR 82
- There are currently problems with HSR 41, and those will be fixed over the coming weeks
Powering On the Robot
- Push down the red E-stop button on the back of the robot
- Press down and hold the power button for three seconds. After which release. This should cause there to be a start up tone.
- After hearing the start up tone, release the E-Stop button by pressing it down and turning it to the left
- The previous step should result in HSR speaking the phrase "HSR Start". If this does not happen and you have released the E-Stop Continue to resetting the robot.
Reseting the Robot
- Press the E-Stop of the robot
- Open terminal on a computer that is hard connected to HSR
- Access
- Ssh into the robot from hsrb_mode by typing the following
ssh adminsitrator@hsrb.local
- Grab the password from the password document
- Enter the following command into the terminal
sudo systemctl restart docker.hsrb.robot.service
- After entering this command wait for a new terminal line to appear. Once it does release the E-stop
- Wait until you hear the phrase "HSR START". If the phrase is heard, the robot is reset. If not repeat the instructions.
Powering Down the Robot
- HOld down the power button until everything is shut down.