- abduld
- Andrewidfreelance
- artv3@LLNL
- asroyAustin, TX
- ax3lLBNL, previously HZDR
- BengtOldenburg (Oldb), Lower-Saxony, Germany
- bogheanul
- bosmacsHuntsville, AL
- catree
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- davidbeckingsale@LLNL
- ex-rzr@StreamHPC
- imkow
- jiachengpan@EnflameTechnology
- johnbashamThe Storm Spotter Project & City of Reno, Texas
- jszuppeNVIDIA, @OpenCL
- kbodurriAthens, Greece
- lcskrishnaAMD
- mfiumaraAgurotech
- micmelesseAMD
- mpuccioCERN
- ntrost57Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- petrexMountain View, California
- PhilipDeeganLPP @ X
- pszi1ardKTH
- raxbitsearth
- ReidAtchesonNumerical Algorithms Group
- sajankiDelft University of Technology
- scchanAMD
- sunway513AMD
- tdd11235813
- VincentSCAmsterdam
- WolframRhodium
- xqch1983
- zacklocx