Getting Started

The Framework runs on python3 and requires the user to have the following packages installed:

pandas, six, tabulate

The VHDL Test Framework is not part of the main repository. It is only at the following repository:


After this install the framwork by running the following command from within the project directory:

python ./vhdl_build_system/ --remotePath /home/ise/xilinx_share2/GitHub/klm_scrod_vas --ssh xilinx


--remotePath... is the path on the Xilinx VM to the project (it assumes that the VM has mounted the project as a network share).
--ssh... is the ssh configuration which allows to connect to the VM. It is important that the Public/Private keys are exchanged so that this configuration can be called without entering a password. 

this will create a bunch of scripts in the current directory as well as a xml config file in the build folder.

after this the first test should be to run the test cases for this one can use the following script:


if no argument is given the script will run through all Test cases. If a specific test case file was given as argument it will only run this one file.

the result can be found in the build folder


Running Test Benches

After the build system is installed one can directly make Simulations with Isim. For this one has to execute:

./ Test_bench_name

the simulation can then be run by executing:


this will compile and execute the simulation.