- 3
Number of recorded datapoints of different channels
#168 opened by thiagoburghi - 3
- 6
- 2
- 3
Oscilloscope Apply button bug
#160 opened by hxywang7 - 1
Oscilloscope offset bug
#161 opened by hxywang7 - 1
Bug with installing 3.0.3 version
#155 opened by hxywang7 - 1
Downsample setting issue in control panel
#156 opened by hxywang7 - 1
Control panel setting issue
#153 opened by hxywang7 - 2
Control panel
#150 opened by thiagoburghi - 1
RTXI Crashes after activiating more than 4 DAQ channels
#144 opened by fusge - 1
RTXI Control Panel Parameter Update
#147 opened by fusge - 1
IIR Plugin causes RTXI crash
#142 opened by fusge - 7
Loading initial ramdisk, problem with PCI-6289
#132 opened by tjcdecoster - 6
Integrated graphics card still a problem?
#133 opened by sonyadave - 1
Interfacing with custom PCB board?
#140 opened by ut33 - 1
- 5
Error 2 while Building RT kernel on Ubuntu 20.04
#139 opened by kgetech - 1
Problem installing the RTXI
#137 opened by URSUroman - 0
Tags not applied to data file
#122 opened by nick8493 - 4
-lrtdsp library problem, Upgrade to 2.1 dependency problem, Xenomai settings for Xenial problem
#120 opened by tjr1 - 8
- 0
General questions on RTXI
#125 opened by URSUroman - 0
Problem with DataRecorder
#128 opened by URSUroman - 2
- 1
files not found when installing xenomai kernel with ""
#131 opened by tjcdecoster - 5
Error when launching rtxi from terminal
#104 opened by neuroking - 4
Cannot boot real-time kernel (4.9.24-xenomai-3.0.5)
#129 opened by jadwn - 4
Cobalt core not enabled in kernel
#127 opened by apantazis82 - 11
- 2
Too long latencies with latency test
#124 opened by URSUroman - 5
Errors 1 & 2 installing RT kernel
#123 opened by jenniNelson - 4
- 1
- 1
number of channels
#117 opened by JohnV7 - 4
- 5
Does Anyone Run RTXI On 16.04 Ubuntu and/or newer hardware (Skylake/KabyLake)?
#114 opened by jagalli - 2
Errors in RT kernel installation
#116 opened by jadwn - 2
Installing the real-time kernel error
#115 opened by philippsasse - 13
Trouble installing RTXI on Core i5 PC
#110 opened by yamamoto-h - 9
Low performance during Xenomai latency test
#112 opened by cpalvarezb - 1
- 2
Hdf5 to python
#108 opened by rythorpe - 3
Oscilloscope trigger/crosshair
#109 opened by atzbacher - 5
Unable to extract data from .h5 file
#106 opened by neuroking - 4
RTXI and Neuron Model Troubleshooting
#107 opened by rythorpe - 2
Support for NI X series cards?
#103 opened by adamltaylor - 1
Accidentally deleted all .so files
#105 opened by neuroking - 3
- 2
I/O with Eigen
#102 opened by neuroking