- 2
Working bluetooth and android 14
#80 opened by Kffikv - 9
Making Phone Calls, Workaround
#65 opened by Davis8483 - 7
- 0
Bluetooth pairing problem
#79 opened by kyieshan - 3
Camera will not work
#55 opened by Humblz - 8
the camera app is not working
#74 opened by kyieshan - 0
R1 escape
#78 opened by ethantoutlemonde - 0
- 0
- 4
Dm-Verity Corruption Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not work properly.
#70 opened by nstayn - 12
Need help with recovery
#38 opened by cmd-1bZ - 1
dm-verify corruption
#64 opened by petraexe - 5
Howto install Rabbit R1 App (.apk) on android?
#53 opened by 3x3cut0r - 3
Python was not found
#62 opened by TheodorDA - 1
Serial Console Enabled
#57 opened by zoomy942 - 3
- 2
Waiting for fastboot
#54 opened by Rabbity-Richard - 59
This is how I unbricked my Rabbit from "Your Device has been unlocked and can't be trusted..." endless loop
#26 opened by spgohome - 1
Windows 11 Driver Recognition?
#71 opened by WPTK - 0
RE: USB Port on Rabbit R1
#72 opened by maunakeaone - 1
Bluetooth connection not working
#69 opened by TheCreepy31 - 8
open in terminal
#68 opened by AnimeNerd-19 - 2
device stuck on USB TRANSFERRING...
#43 opened by potsogold - 2
where to find system.img file?
#66 opened by GARBAGE-WALL-E - 7
System.Img File
#39 opened by ChrisWHG - 2
- 1
Device class warning!!!
#63 opened by TheodorDA - 0
- 0
I know it isnt an issue but i would love for you to put the rabbit os app in android included
#58 opened by Chromeyc - 4
Rabbit screen boot loop
#44 opened by jonmarkwilcox - 17
- 3
API/Service to controll camera servo
#56 opened by duncte123 - 2
- 2
Not recognising USB
#51 opened by Gojacls - 1
Can i send my R1 to someone to hack?
#42 opened by the281killer - 1
- 2
Stuck on successfully sent payload
#36 opened by smoh2273 - 1
Unlock failed…return to fastboot in 3s…
#49 opened by TheBobPony - 3
System hangs with "=> FASTBOOT mode..."
#46 opened by red777777 - 0
SOLVED: I still have the same issue with the camera not working. I can flash boot.img, but when I try to flash vendor.img it gives me an error that the partition doesn't exist. Suggestions anyone?
#48 opened by wijzijnkamels - 2
R1 booting in recovery menu (fastbootd)
#45 opened by wijzijnkamels - 17
- 7
Recovery Mode
#29 opened by Genericusername12345678 - 1
Build process for system.img from source
#41 opened by cbyrd01 - 12
PlayStore Play Protect certificate - Total fail.
#37 opened by AIArt20 - 1
Rabbit r1 never fully turning off
#33 opened by koolaid45 - 1
COM ports failing while installing
#34 opened by koolaid45 - 4
Camera does not open
#30 opened by osufan129 - 0
- 2
Stuck at < waiting for any device >
#27 opened by David-Deming