
The tensorflow implementation of the paper, "Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids" (SIGGRAPH 2021 https://rachelcmy.github.io/den2vel/), from M. Chu, N. Thuerey, HP. Seidel, C. Theobalt, and R. Zayer.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids

This is the source code for the paper, "Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids".(to be appear on SIGGRAPH 2021), from M. Chu, N. Thuerey, H.-P. Seidel, C. Theobalt, and R. Zayer.
The project page contains paper and other materials.

Software and Installation

The code is based on Python 3.7, Tensorflow 1.15 and Mantaflow (included). For visualization, ffmpeg is required and blender is only necessary for 3D renderings. PyTorch is only necessary for evaluation purpose using LSiM.

1. install Python 3.7, ffmpeg, and Tensorflow 1.15 (cpu or gpu with CUDA 10.0).

As a starting point, a new conda environment (miniconda) is recommended.

# clone the repo and open the base directory
git clone https://github.com/RachelCmy/den2vel.git  
cd den2vel 

# build environment with python 3.7
conda create -n den2vel_ENV python=3.7
conda activate den2vel_ENV # all following operations are using this environment.

# ONLY if ffmpeg is not installed (test by ffmpeg -version)
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

# ONLY if LSiM evaluations are desired, install iPython, PyTorch 1.2.0, and LSiM
conda install -c anaconda ipython
conda install pytorch==1.2.0 torchvision==0.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
git clone https://github.com/tum-pbs/LSIM # LSIM directory will be created under den2vel

# install Tensorflow, we show the GPU case
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu==1.15rc2

# install required packages
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

# ONLY if LSIM is installed and skimage>=0.17, an import error need to be fixed by
cd LSIM; git apply ../lib/tinyLSIM.patch; cd ..

The code contains simple visualization for density, velocity, and vorticity in 3D. For density rendering (or velocity visualization from a camera view), openvdb should be installed to generate vdb files that can be used in blender.

2. compile Mantaflow

In directory of "mantaflow", there is a slightly modified version of the original one. Mantaflow has parallelized C++ solver core, python scene definition interface. If multiple python is installed, please make sure to build Mantaflow with the one we just installed.

mkdir mantaflow/build
cd mantaflow/build
# GUI is optional (http://mantaflow.com/install.html)
make -j4
cd ../..
# check the installation: make sure that "python tftest.py" and "mantaflow/build/manta tftest.py" are the same
python tftest.py; mantaflow/build/manta tftest.py 

The last step of installation is to set the paths in ./lib/_settings.py manually. Our code could run on Windows systems as well. Please checkout the installations for Tensorflow, Mantaflow, and ffmpeg respectively.

Play around with the trained model

Here are some example simulations generated by our trained models in 2D and 3D.

1. 2D models

python runcmd.py 2 0 # drawings, question mark
python runcmd.py 2 1 # regular and irregular obstacles
python runcmd.py 2 2 # a test case with modified vorticity using textures

2. Evaluations

If LSiM is installed, Models can be evaluated using the following command, taking our 2D model as an example:

# it takes a long time since multiple references are generated using traditional solver.
python runcmd.py 4 

In the simple example, 4_initial_density_field × 150_frame are tested, while the evaluation table in the paper is summarized over 20_initial_density_field × 200_frame are tested cases.

3. 3D models

Note that 3D simulations take longer for if Ground-Truth simulation step is required by "--withRef".

python runcmd.py 3 0 # plume
python runcmd.py 3 1 # obs plume

If openvdb-python is installed and "--VDB_Flag" is given, OpenVDB files will be saved and can be used for rendering in blender. Please make sure that the "--summary_dir" is empty, otherwise there will be over-writing problems.

Data Generation and Training

1. Data Generation

Use the following commands to generate simulation datasets for training and validation:

# 2D simulations without obstacles, c.a. 30G
python runcmd.py 0 0 
# 2D simulations with obstacles, c.a. 12G
python runcmd.py 0 1
# add moving velocities to the previous 2D obstacle dataset, c.a. 12G
python runcmd.py 0 2

# 3D cases:
python runcmd.py 1 0 # without obstacles, c.a. 1.5T
python runcmd.py 1 1 # with obstacles, c.a. 0.5T
python runcmd.py 1 2 # add moving velocities, c.a. 0.5T

A directory of "datasets" will be created under the data_path (in ./lib/_settings.py file).
Under the "data_path/datasets", there will be four sub-folders, "2D_no_obs", "2D_obs", "3D_no_obs", and "3D_obs". Visualizations are automatically saved as mp4 files. They can be deleted, but they are small compared to the npz volumetric data.

2. Training

Training a normal 2D model takes 2 stages. On NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000, the first stage takes 2 hours and the second one takes 8 hours. It takes another 8 hours to train a 2D model considering moving obstacles based on the previous training. The following command trains the 3 stages one by one in 2D:

python runcmd.py 5 # 2D training 
# trained models are saved in "data_path/tests/ex_TR00-00-00-00-00/II/models" 
# and "data_path/tests/ex_TR00-00-00-00-00/OBS/models" 

Training 3D models without and with obstacles is similar, while it takes 8 days and uses all 48G GPU memory.

python runcmd.py 6 # 3D training
# trained models are saved in "data_path/tests/ex_TR00-00-00-00-00/II/models" 
# and "data_path/tests/ex_TR00-00-00-00-00/OBS/models" 

"data_path/tests/ex_TR00-00-00-00-00/II/train/" folder contains mp4 files to show how model improves.
The training log (if not disabled by --noTFBOARD_LOG) can be visualized using Tensorboard:
python runcmd.py 8000 # please manually set paths for runcase 8000 in runcmd.py

BibTex citation

	author = {Chu, Mengyu and Thuerey, Nils and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Theobalt, Christian and Zayer, Rhaleb},
	title = {Learning Meaningful Controls for Fluids},
	year = {2021},
	issue_date = {August 2021},
	publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
	address = {New York, NY, USA},
	volume = {40},
	articleno = {100},
	number = {4},
	journal = {ACM Trans. Graph.},
	month = {7},