
Image-based visual servoing simulation

Primary LanguagePython

IBVS Sim ROS Package

This package contains source files needed to simulate multirotor precision landings using image-based visual servoing. Simulations for landing on stationary ground targets, and moving targets exhibiting ship-like motion are included. The simulation environment is ROS/Gazebo. Also included in this repository are launch files for performing precision landings in hardware using a PX4-enabled multirotor. Use of this package assumes you have installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, ROS Kinetic, and Gazebo.

Workspace Setup

To run simulations, you will need to clone this repository into the /src folder of your catkin workspace along with the following additional packages:

You also need to install MAVROS: sudo apt install ros-kinetic-mavros

Before compiling, make sure to update the rosflight submodules:

cd rosflight
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../..

Then run catkin_make

Don't forget to source your workspace.

Simulating Landing on a Stationary Ground Target

To simulate a multirotor landing on a stationary ArUco marker: roslaunch ibvs_sim ibvs_sim_nested.launch

Simulating Landing on a Moving Barge

To simulate landing a multirotor on a barge that is underway: roslaunch ibvs_sim ibvs_sim_under_way.launch

Testing IBVS Precision Landings in Hardware

The file ibvs_sim/launch/truck_landing.launch is a ROS launch file for landing on a moving ground target in hardware. It assumes you have a PX4-enabled multirotor with a downward-facing camera. It also assumes you have a ground target that shares its GPS data (lat, lon, etc.) on the ROS network. After launching ibvs_sim/launch/truck_landing.launch on the multirotor's on-board computer, launch ibvs_sim/launch/odroid_target.launch to launch the ground target GPS publishers (in this launch file we assume that we get GPS data via the Inertial Sense INS ROS node).