This repository contains an implementation of MARLIN, a Reinforcement Learning environment for Congestion Control based on RL Baselines3 Zoo for training and testing the agent.
First designed to be trained and tested on real networks, the implementation included here, substitutes the real network with ContainerNet to deploy the containers involved in the networking process and linking them accordigly.
An example of network topology can be found in /third_party/
- Install ContainerNet on your hosting machine
- Install rpyc on your hosting machine
sudo python -m pip install rpyc
- Run
git submodule update --init
after cloning for pulling dependencies - Build the Image
docker build -t marlin:0.1 .
- Start your ContainerNet topology (or use the default found in
)sudo python3
- Run the container (with local binding for dev)
docker run --gpus all --ipc=host --network host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ${PWD}:/home/devuser/dev:Z -it --rm marlin:0.1
- Example of command for running the agent
python third-party/rl-baselines3-zoo/ --algo sac --env Marlin-v1 --track --wandb-project-name your-project-name --eval-freq 50 --eval-episodes 10 --env-kwargs delay_start:500 bandwidth_var:0.256 delay_var:125 loss_var:3 max_duration:800
Run python third-party/rl-baselines3-zoo/ --algo sac --seed 9 --env Marlin-v1 --n-episodes 100 -f results/ --env-kwargs kbytes_testing:600 bandwidth_start:1 delay_start:500 bandwidth_var:0.256 delay_var:125 loss_var:3 max_duration:80 variation_interval_test:10 timestamp_interval_ms:100 is_testing:True
Remember to build the respective mgen
and mockets
images found in their respective subfolders in third_party
naming them mgen:0.1
and mockets:0.1
When updating the statistics/state you also need to generate a new protobuf go to the project's root folder:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=./protos --grpc_python_out=./protos protos/congestion_control.proto
mv protos/protos/* protos && rm -rf protos/protos
If you are having trouble with the installation of ContainerNet, you can try the following link: ContainerNet Installation Fix