This is a just-enough-for-what-I-need-for-a-POC PagerDuty module, with minimal to no testing. Use it at your own risk : )
If you want something more complete:
- Investigate AutoRest and the PagerDuty swagger definition
- Need more, or better tooling? Look into tooling like go-pagerduty or the Terraform PagerDuty provider, among other clients
- Looking for other PowerShell implementations? Check out PagerDuty-PowerShell-CmdLets or PagerDuty-PoSh-API-Client, although these appear to use older APIs
I will always consider issues and pull requests, but likely at a slow rate, and guided by whether I would use a thing. Be sure to ping me in an issue before spending much time on something!
# One time setup
# Download the repository
# Unblock the zip
# Extract the PSPagerDuty folder to a module path. e.g.
# $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\
# Or, with PowerShell 5 or later or PowerShellGet:
Install-Module PSPagerDuty
# Import the module.
Import-Module PSPagerDuty #Alternatively, Import-Module \\Path\To\PSPagerDuty
# Get commands in the module
Get-Command -Module PSPagerDuty
# Get help
Get-Help Get-PagerDutyData -Full
# Set token for the current session
Set-PSPagerDuyConfiguration -Token $Token