Awesome Privacy Computing

1 Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC)

1.1 Primitive

1.1.1 Oblivious Transfer (OT)

1.1.2 Garbled Circuit

1.1.3 Arithmetic/Boolean Circuit

1.1.5 A/B/Y Shares Conversion

1.1.6 PSI

1.1.7 Multiparty ECDSA signing

1.1.8 Function Secret Sharing

1.2 Survey

1.3 Books

1.4 Courses

1.5 Open Source Framework

2 Federated Learning (FL)

3 Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)

4 Homomorphic Encryption (HE)

4.1 FHE Libraries

Libraries that can be used to implement applications using (Fully) Homomorphic Encryption.

  • Microsoft SEAL - C++ FHE library implementing BFV and CKKS schemes.
  • HEAAN - Scheme with native support for fixed point approximate arithmetic.
  • HElib - BGV scheme with bootstrapping and the Approximate Number CKKS scheme.
  • lattigo - Go library for lattice-based crypto that implements various schemes.
  • PALISADE - lattice encryption library.
  • tfhe - Faster fully HE: Bootstrapping in less than 0.1 seconds.
  • FHEW - A Fully HE library based on FHEW: Bootstrapping Homomorphic Encryption in less than a second.
  • concrete - Rust FHE library that implements Zama's variant of TFHE.
  • Cupcake - Facebook's Rust library for the (additive version of the) Fan-Vercauteren scheme.
  • HEhub - A library for homomorphic encryption and its applications

4.2 FHE Applications

  • OpenMined - Decentralized data ownership & intelligence based on HE and deep / federated learning.
    • KotlinSyft - Kotlin library for the Android part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem.
    • PySyft - Python library for the server/IoT part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem.
    • SwiftSyft - Swift library for the iOS part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem.
    • syft.js - JavaScript library for the web part of the OpenMined's open-source ecosystem.
  • Rosetta - A privacy-preserving framework based on TensorFlow.
  • tf-encrypted - Bridge between TensorFlow and the Microsoft SEAL library.

4.3 FHE Papers

5 Differential Privacy (DP)

5.1 DP Papers

5.2 DP Books

5.3 DP Courses

5.4 DP Libraries

  • TensorFlow Privacy - Training TensorFlow models with differential privacy
  • Opacus - Training PyTorch models with differential privacy
  • Google DP Library - Google's differential privacy libraries
  • IBM DP Library - IBM's differential privacy library
  • PyDP - OpenMined's Python DP library built on top of Google's
  • PipelineDP - OpenMined's library for applying DP aggregations to large datasets
  • OpenDP - A modular collection of algorithms for building privacy-preserving applications

6 Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)

7 Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML)

7.1 Papers

7.2 Survey

7.3 Videos